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Simple Bathroom Renovation 1.1
Stifling Dagger
If your goal is to increase the value of yourhome and improve its functionality as well as the comfort levelthen a bathroom renovation project might be exactly what you need.When potential buyers visit your home the bathroom is one of thefirst places they visit. If your bath is outdated then it will be ahuge turn off for anybody that is looking for a new home.Most of the time is doesn't need to be a big change or cost afortune. A simple bathroom renovation might be all your home needsto make it a suitable candidate for a home buyer or even for yourown satisfaction. Many people think that they are going to need toput out a lot of money, but that can't be further from the truthfor most of us.The best place to start is to look at what you already have andthink about how you can improve on it. Maybe a new coat of paint orthe addition of some furniture that you have lying around may be agood plan. Sometimes you can pick up cheap furniture at yard salesthat can easily be revamped and converted for bathroom use. Beingable to do the work yourself can save you a lot of money when itcomes right down to it. All you have to do is create a plan ofaction and decide what needs to be done and go for it.Before you start demolishing your bathroom you need to be sure itactually needs to be replaced. Research and watch some homeimprovement shows to give you an idea of what you're in for.Bathroom renovation can be quite intense if you go at itunprepared. You need to know if you're going to need to re-routethe plumbing or have to work with the electrical. Puttingeverything into your design will insure you have not over lookedanything. Keep in mind the bigger your changes the harder it willbe. You may even need to budget for an electrician or plumber ifyour changes are too big.Measure your space to get knowledge of what type of material you'regoing to need to purchase. It will save you the expense of buyingthings that don't fit. This is also a great time to plan how faryou're going to need to take this bathroom renovation. Are yougoing to need to replace the floor, vanity, tub, or toilet? Createa budget so you have a better idea of what you can afford todo.Decide whether your project is going to need the skills of aprofessional or if you can do most or all the work yourself. Checkwith your local building codes to be sure you are within codebefore you start rebuilding anything. Remember the more you can doon your own the more you'll save. The biggest cost of a bathroomrenovation is usually the price of professional help.The first thing you need to do before starting a bathroomrenovation project is to make a plan. You need to ask yourself whatyou want and need as well as what will fit best in your space. Keepin mind that the more time you spend evaluating your bathroomrenovation needs the more likely you'll get something that youreally like.Take the time to measure your room to get a grip on what you'llneed to do to make sure you have all the fundamental items in thespace as well as the decorative ones. Decide what you like aboutthe room and what you don't. Try to incorporate some items fromyour bathroom decor that you like into your new design.Decide if you like the size and make adjustments to it if youdon't. Take out a wall if you have the space to expand into anotherroom. Be careful you don't demolish a load bearing wall or you'llbe in big trouble. Make certain before you do any expansion plansthat you have the budget to do it. A bathroom expansion will bequite a bit pricier than a simple bathroom renovationLook into whether you could just rearrange the existing fixtures togain extra space and save yourself a bunch of money. Research yourbuying decisions before you go forward with acquiring new items isa great way to avoid problems later on.
Bathroom Tile Remodel Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The bathroom is one of the most importantplaces in a home. Not only is it a place where you can take a bathand do other intimate activities, it is also a place that should becleaned at all times. It is your place of relaxation so it is onlyright that you give it the proper treatment.The bathroom is also one of the most frequented places at a house.When you throw a house party, you cannot prevent your guests to goto your bathroom. With this, you must make it a point that yourbathroom design is not only presentable but also attractive. Withthis, you have to adorn your bathroom with great looking elements.One such element is the tiles.But when it comes to bathroom tile remodeling, a lot of people areusually left in the dark. They do not know how to install new tilesto change the tile design. But it does not take a lot of effort.Here are some tips you can use if you are thinking on remodelingyour bathroom tiles.Get Design IdeasThere are lots of ideas available on the Internet. You can also goto tile dealers and find different tile designs. Before you startyour bathroom tile remodeling process, it is very important to beexposed to as much tile designs as possible. Compare tile designsand prices and figure out which will bring you more value.Plan Your DesignOnce you have exposed yourself to different tile designs, it is nowtime to take your bathroom tile remodeling process into anotherlevel. It is now time to plan how your design will look like. Whiledoing this, take into consideration the design of the tiles youwill buy. You can either put some tiles as a border or alternatethem one after another. Some people also alternate them diagonally.Try to come up with a design that will suit your tastes.Gather All the MaterialsIf you have your design outlined, it is now time to install yourtiles. This is perhaps the most important step in the bathroom tileremodeling process. But before you plunge into that, be sure youhave all the materials with you. You will need some grout, tiles,tile separator, tile cutter, some gloves and adhesive.Start Installing Your TilesThis is the last step. In this step you should spread some adhesiveonto the floor. Position the tiles and cut them around the cornersof the room. Use your gloves so you do not get too messy. Put atile separator in between as you wait the adhesive to dry up. Afterthat, remove the separator and spread the grout. Let it dry and youare ready.As you can see, bathroom tile remodeling is quite easy. All ittakes is that you know what steps to take. Follow these simple tipsand you can install your bathroom tiles by yourself. You can alsobe proud of your work after you are done.Bathroom tile remodel planning should encompass many aspects ofyour budget that you may not have considered. After havingparticipated in hundreds of remodel projects over the years thereare a number of issues that remain consistent that homeowners maynot be aware of from what I've seen.Bathrooms by their very nature are a wet, damp environmentsubjected to moisture, chemicals, heating and cooling several timesdaily. This continual assault eventually breaks down paint, caulk,grout, surfaces, and invites all manor trouble that can bedifficult and expensive to fix.Construction practices have changed for the better in some ways andremain dismal in others. Materials have improved, but their use innew construction has been minimal due to cost. This creates evenmore expense down the road for homeowners. I really hate to seegovernment impose construction practices and materials on peopleand contractors, so I am advocating homeowners and contractorseducate themselves on the use and implementation of bettermaterials and use.So, what's better? We almost exclusively used Hardie Backer orsimilar material for walls and floors over wood.
Bathroom Suites Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Nothing quite equals the feeling ofextravagance that comes with a luxurious bathroom. Designed topamper its owner and create a respite from the outside world, awell-appointed bathroom ideally includes all the elements that meanthe most to the homeowner. There's nothing quite as enjoyable as abathroom done to your specifications; and there's no easier way tooutfit bathrooms than by choosing from among bathroom suites; equalparts comfort and elegance and able to set the tone for your entirebathroom.Bathroom suites are complete bathroom sets that are available forpurchase together; they most often include the toilet, sink andvanity, and bathtub/shower. Bathroom suites come in a variety ofstyles and colors and can be installed all at once in an effort tocreate a cohesive room. Whether you're looking to create acontemporary feel with sleek lines and marble topped sink vanities,or a traditional feel with a pedestal sink and wood vanity, a wellchosen bathroom suite can enhance the theme of your bathroom.You can find bathroom suites for order at most home improvementstores; knowledgeable employees can help you find the style thatbest suits your bathroom design. Bring all of your ideas to thetable including colors, textures, and accessories, so that whoeveris helping you can get an accurate idea of what you have inmind.Professional installation of your bathroom suite - while somewhatpricey - can be more than worth the expense, as a professional willensure that the installation is completed with plumbing andelectrical specifications in mind. Of course, there are thoseenthusiastic do-it-yourselfers who will confidently tackle theinstallation of their bathroom suite, but most people would behappy to step aside and let the professionals handle thework.Of course in this day and age of the Internet, it is also possibleto shop for and purchase bathroom suites online where you can havethem shipped straight to your door for installation by you or aprofessional skilled in renovation and plumbing. Again, if youchoose to handle the installation yourself, you must be sure thatyou account for all plumbing and electrical considerations.The prices of bathroom suites - like any other furniture - varyaccording to brand and quality of material. But you'll often findthat there's frequent clearance prices on expensive items in whichyou are interested. It's important to shop around and compareprices; just as with anything else, different retailers offerdifferent prices. Visit some reputable websites to learn all youcan about bathroom suites and the prices you should expect.Outfitting your bathroom to reflect your style and featurecontemporary upgrades will have enormous impact seen in a number ofdifferent ways; an upgraded bathroom will hold significant valueshould you ever choose to sell your home; and, in the meantime,these upgrades will keep you comfortable and happy as you enjoyyour space. Bathroom suites offer a convenient and comprehensiveway to transform your bathroom - from floor to ceiling andeverything in between.There has never been a better time to invest in a bathroom suite.Buying a matching bath, basin and toilet as a set can give yourbathroom a sense of continuity and style that you risk losing ifyou purchase individual items. Bathroom suites come tailored to allsorts of different stylistic and space preferences andrequirements, so you can be sure that the perfect one for yourbathroom is out there somewhere.StyleWhen buying individual items of bathroom furniture, you run therisk of purchasing items which might not have the same air ofconsistency and co-ordination that a matching suite can guaranteeyou. Rather than hoping the items will go together, you can restassured that they were designed to go together. However, this doesnot mean that you can simply assume any suite will suit yourbathroom.
Bathroom Shelf Decor Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The bathroom can be a great place to test outnew designs, do a cheap home renovation or start your firstdecorating project, simply because the bathroom is the smallestroom in the house. That translates into less overhead, less laborand less money spent. Best of all mistakes are not so costly andcan be quickly and quietly replaced. But as with any homeimprovement makeover project, it's best to create a cost breakdownlist of every item first.Even if you just use your bathroom for a limited time only in oneday, this does not mean that you will totally neglect decoratingthem. If you usually have a lot of house visitors, it is then verynecessary to create aesthetic decoration in your bathroom. Thereare a lot of ways of decorating the really spacious bathrooms yetthe conflict starts if the space that you have is a very limitedone.The best way to solve this problem is through installing someshelves in the right places in your bathroom and adding some nicedecorations on them. There are economical ways as to how you canhave the best shelves in the bathroom.Considering the scheme of colors inside your bathroom, you canhaunt for colored bottles. By simply placing them on yourdecorative shelves, you can surely add more colors to your oncedull bathroom. The bottles with caps will also be perfect ascontainers for your salts, bath oils as well as perfumes. By beingresourceful and creative, you can achieve the type of design youwant your bathroom to have.The items in Feng Shui, like the bamboo plants, will not justincrease your bathroom's energy flow but will surely spruce up itsentire appeal. These bamboo plants need not be exposed to too muchsunlight and care that is why they can be put inside your house andplaced on your decorative shelves for a much better look. Justimagine that you are bathing while seeing the bamboo plants. It isreally calming and refreshing, right?The scented candles on your shelves actually have two purposes.First is that they simply look good in decorative shelves andsecond, when you light them, they can definitely give a relaxingambiance whenever you take long bubble baths.In case your decorative shelves are near the sink, you can putcolored towels as their accessories. Bowls that are made fromcrystal glass will also be perfect as decorations for yourbathroom. You can place them on the decorative shelves or near yourbathroom sink. See? There are several things you can do as long asthe decorative shelves are in the scene.The tips and ideas in this article can help you to spice up yourdull bathroom. With the help of the shelves, that can be possible.So, get the right decorative shelf for your bathroom now!There are a lot of places you could use a corner shelf in your homeor apartment. The type of shelving that's created for a corner areadoesn't need to have a lot of space. This makes the unit a goodpiece for people that have small living spaces. It gives you aplace to display items you would like to put out, but don't havethe space for a full size shelving unit. You can also use them inareas where you want storage space.The shelves designed for corners also work well in a bath orkitchen area. You can place items on them that you would like tohave easy access to such as soaps in the bathroom. You can also usethem to create some decorate space by placing candles on them. Youcan find the corner units available in a lot of different materialssuch as wood or wire mesh. You can also use a glass bathroom shelfto create an elegant type of look for the bathroom. These shelvescan be placed over a toilet or tub area to make storagespace.The shelves made of glass come with brackets you attach to the wallto hold the shelf in place. They can also be placed over a sink ifyou don't have a traditional medicine cabinet already there. It's anice place to keep liquid soap bottles and hand towels ready foruse.
Bathroom Remodels Before After 1.1
Stifling Dagger
When homeowners decide to do home improvement,they think the bathroom. This is the place where one can get awayfrom all the stresses in life. By redesigning your bathroomcabinets, sinks, bath tubs or even the floor, you can turn yourbathroom into a newly designed retreat where relaxation andunwinding is the ultimate experience.The bathroom is the most used room in the house so it should seemthat it is the most remodeled room. After a certain period of timeowning a home, the bathroom becomes the most boring even if nothinghas been done since you moved in. Most likely your bathroom is thestandard white sink, white tub, and white toilet. Now there aremany bathroom renovations ideas to choose from such as a spa bath,fog free mirrors, a warming bathroom floor to name a few. Install anew shower faucet with an anti-scald pressure regulator - removethe scenario where someone flushes the toilet and out comesscalding water from your shower faucet.Replace crumbling tile in the shower stall with a maintenance freeshower surround. Grab bars in the shower, new water-saver toiletand/or a new whirlpool tub. You can go from a small bathroomremodeling design project to a major bathroom renovation. The sizeof the project will depend on the size of your budget and theamount of inconvenience you want to have. Remodeling a bathroom canbe expensive. The average cost of a full renovation of a bathroomwhen hiring a contractor is about the same as the cost of a smallcar. By doing part or all of the remodeling work yourself, you cansave thousands of dollars. While making a decision about bathroomremodeling, remember that in most recent years homeowners were ableto recoup approximately 85% of their costs upon sale of their home.This recovery is when a professional remodels the bathroom.Some professionals consider small projects consisting of replacingthe tub with a new tub or a shower unit. If this is what you areconsidering for your bathroom, you will need to include theflooring in your plans. Most new tubs or shower units will notcover where the old flooring conformed to the old tub. This workwill involve removing fixtures (toilet, etc.) which will causelabor costs to rise. A project like this is okay but mosthomeowners usually consider a medium to large remodeling projectfor the bathroom. For these projects you want to plan verycarefully so you will be happy with what you end up with after theproject is completed. You will want to make sure that you haveextra facilities to use while the remodeling is in progress.Let In The Light!The simplest, easiest thing you can do to brighten this essentialroom is to let in more light. Throw open those windows, and painteverything in relaxing, light colors. If that window doesn'tprovide enough light, bring in some more mirrors. The bathroom isthe one room where you can never have too many. Mirrors reflect thelight and make it even brighter. This is a simple idea that anyonecan do.Bring On The Knick KnacksSome knick knacks can make a dull room feel homey and lived-in. Agreat place to start is the wicker basket. Candles, clocks andpictures are great knick knacks for the restroom. Bring in whateveryou like. For something useful, put a wicker basket where you cankeep your shampoo and other important items. But, don't over knickknack to the point where it feels cluttered. Start small, and addas you see fit.Storage-Get OrganizedA great way to improve any bathroom is to add cabinets. Cabinetsprovide a place to put your toiletries. Shelving is okay, butwouldn't you feel better with all that personal stuff put away?Cabinets make you feel organized and tidy, and they can give yourroom the illusion of more space.Spend A Little And Accessorize!Bathroom remodeling accessories are not expensive at all. Spend alittle and make your refuge more comfy. Warming towel racks keepyour towels just as warm as you want them when you step out of theshower.
Bathroom Blue Tile Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The tiles you use in your bathroom are anessential part of its decor. Wall tiles especially affect theoverall ambiance of the bathroom. They can make a bathroom lookcolorful and vibrant or dull and staid. If you are looking forbathroom wall tile ideas, you have a lot to choose from. You cancover the entire wall with tiles or you can decide to tile only thewall in the shower areas or you can cover half the wall with tilesand the remaining with paint. Whichever you choose, make sure thatthe tiles go well with the overall feel and color scheme of thebathroom.One of the most popular bathroom wall tile ideas involves usinglarge, rectangular shaped tiles. Larger tiles mean lesser grout andthis makes cleaning easier since dirt tends to accumulate in thegroup used to fill in the space between tiles. Other bathroom walltile ideas include using different patterned tiles, scatteringcolored tiles at random and using dark colored grout.If you decide to go in for plain white or off-white colored tilesfor your bathroom wall, you can liven up the ensemble by includingdark colored tiles like red, blue or green ones in the middle. Itneed not follow a certain pattern. Just include the colored tilesat random positions. This will add a dash of color to yourbathroom. Another idea is to incorporate tiles with paintings orprints in between plain white ones. For instance a few tiles withpretty floral prints in between pale pink or white tiles give adelicate, feminine touch to the bathroom. You can also choose toincorporate a single large tile with a painting or design in themiddle and surround it with plain colored tiles.Most people do not like the idea of tiling their bathroom wallsfrom floor to ceiling. Your bathroom will end up looking like apublic restroom. The best idea is to tile the walls unto eye levelor a little more. You can give borders to the tile arrangement.White tiles bordered by tiles in another color like red or bluelooks good. You can also use different colored tiles to create aborder. Patterned tiles also make good borders for an assembly ofplain tiles. Border tiles ought to be thinner than the tiles thatmake up the body f the wall.Bathroom wall tile ideas are manifold and you can really getcreative. Just make sure it vibes well with the overall decor,fixtures and theme of the bathroom.Once upon a bathroom wall a unique, refreshing, miracle took place.With some adhesive, grout, ceramic tile and a little love, anundesirable wall turned into a masterpiece. In fact the entire roomwas a place where one could retreat and be surrounded inbeauty.The bathroom has become more of a sanctuary for most to eitherbecome refreshed for the day ahead or the final place where werelax before we hit the pillow. This room can have a calming effector can produce an energizing atmosphere.It defiantly can be a mood enhancer. Just by the tile design,textures, shapes and colors that you choose for the overall effect.It sets the tone for the entire space.There are two varieties of tiles. They are porous and non poroustiles. It is best to use non porous tile for the bathroom. Bathroomwall tile serves a functional purpose as well as an aesthetic one.Wall tiles protect your walls from damage. You can place the tilealmost everywhere in the room. Over bathroom vanities, shower,shower stalls and also on countertops.The fun part of bathroom tiling is choosing the tile design. Hereis a list of the most popular materials for bathroom walltile:1. Ceramic tile is the most popular choice it can be glazed andfired in any color or design imaginable. It is very easy to cleanand is water resistant. Its one downfall is that it can chip orbreak easily.2. Stone tile can be the most expensive and difficult to install.It is water resistant and durable. You can find this in marble,granite, travertine or any other stone option.
Bathroom Wall Decorations 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The world will never recover from the positiveimpacts being made by all manner of art works. Many houses,offices, theaters are now wearing wonderful looks courtesy ofvarious works of art used in decorating their walls. Wall decorsare among the best of such artworks that add lots of colors to youroffice or home walls. A typical wall decor include the use ofvarious artistic designs in decorating a wall. Lots of creativityand styles are usually involved in the production of all kinds ofartworks that bless the walls of various homes and offices. Walldecors in the recent times come in various types and designs. Let'stake a look at them.Home Wall DecorThis is a kind of artwork usually displayed on the walls of a home.This could be in the form of paintings on the wall, murals, wallsculpture art and so on. Such wonderful works of art usually addcolors to the walls of the bedroom, sitting room, the exteriorwalls and even the fences. They convey lots messages based on theimages or symbols they represent.Office Wall DecorThis is a unique work of art painted on the walls of an office. Itis mainly seen in companies, large and medium-sized organizationsincluding government offices. In most cases, the artworks on thewalls of these organizations are specially designed to communicatesome vital pieces of information to everyone that comesaround.Bathroom Wall DecorThe bathroom is a comfort room that must never be joked with.Having a well designed art work on the wall of your bathroom canmake bathing a glorious experience. There are wonderful walldecorations that can suit your bedroom. It's always better to pickthe ones that can communicate some soothing messages to everyonethat bathes in the comfort room.The Designing processesThere are various designing processes used in producing walldecors. Oil paintings is one of such wonderful processes in use bymost artists today. This is simply the process of using pigments inpainting and drawing various wonderful designs on the walls. Dryingoil and other quality painting materials such as resin,frankincense, walnut oil and many others are used in the process.Different kinds of oils are normally used depending on the kind ofpigment being applied. There are various techniques used in thepainting process. Each technique usually involves proper sketchingwith a thinned paint and charcoal which are applied onto a canvasin order to get the right design in mind. In most cases, thepainting made on the wall with the oil is normally dried up throughevaporation or oxidation within a space of one day to oneweek.Locating the best Wall DecorHaving known a lot about wall decors, one can locate the best ofsuch artworks by visiting well known art shops. You can even locatethe best of them online. Finally, a good number of quality walldecors may cost you some fortune to get. Nevertheless, you canalways get the ones that will fit into your budget.Bathrooms are not just for utility purposes in today's lifestyle.This is the place you can set your mood for the day ahead orcomfort and relax you at the day's end. Depending on yourdecorating style this room can be sleek, polished, sophisticated orsparkle like a diamond.There is a vast array of decorating ideas and techniques to makethis room shine with your personality. Before you get started, takea good look at the size, shape and the decor that is already in theroom. Decide what needs a fresh new look and what items can stay.Now take a look at your budget. You can make the most dramaticstatement by changing the look of your walls. The walls are wherethe eyes are first attracted to. Here are some ideas that willcertainly get those creative juices flowing.Painting the walls can be the least expensive way to change thelook of the entire room. With a pale soft color scheme it will giveyou the illusion of more space and tranquility.
Stone Bathroom Basins Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
When it comes to choosing the bathroom basins,you need to be very prudent while making your choices. You shouldmake sure that the chosen bathroom basin will set the tone of yourbathroom the way you want. There are various choices available toyou in the market. You can choose the one that best suits yourbathroom.Custom Stone Bathroom basinsThe best way is to choose from a variety of options available inthe Custom Stone Bathroom basins. For example, you can choose thenatural stone sinks. It will provide lasting endurance. If you wantto experience an orchestrated blend of strength and beauty, naturalstone basins can make an excellent choice.Gemstone SinksGemstone sinks are made of unique natural gemstones. If you want touse one solid piece of gemstone large enough to sculpt an entirevessel, you must be ready to spend tens of thousands of dollars.There are various reasons for this high cost. For example, gemstoneis imported and pulverized into ultra-fine particles, cleaned, andpurified.Bathroom basins from various size and colorsBathroom basins are available in various rich colors and elegantstyles. If you want to choose a basin that harmonizes with anydécor, hand-polished stone bathroom sinks can make a prudentchoice.Stainless steel bathroom basinsThese bathroom basins are made from an aluminum-based alloy usingthe sand casting manufacturing method. You must keep in mind thatIf not polished, this alloy will darken and take on the look ofreal pewter.Whatever choice you make, make sure that you have taken care of allthe relevant factors.The bathroom basins of today have evolved into a work of art. Goneare the mundane bowls that could only be characterized by differentshades of color. There are so many resources available to createattractive basins and designers have been hard at work to bring thebrightest and best to this market.Recessed Bathroom BasinsA recessed basin is one that fits under the counter for a flushdesign. Most people are familiar with this type of sink as it hasbeen popular for years. Ceramic bowls are today's choice for mixingthe perfect bowl inside of a marble or wood vanity top that cancompliment any bathroom decor. Different shapes can range fromsquare to round, oblong or designer scalloped, depending on thecabinet you need to match.Vessel SinksThe vessel sink has made the bathroom a much more pleasant part ofthe home with tasteful designs of a work of art that sits on top ofthe counter and almost appears too beautiful to use. Glass is thenumber one material that is used and can be frosted, ribbed orclear with colorful artistic paintings, adding a focal point ofcelebration to your bathroom style. Made of scratch resistanttempered glass, these beauties are tough enough to sustain everydayuse.Natural StoneDifferent types of stone have always held a natural and lusciousglow to any setting and using stone for a bathroom basin is nodifferent. An alternative to a simple basin, stone of quartz,granite or marble can be just what you have been looking for inbringing together a natural feeling of peace and serenity. Neveroverly done, stone is very popular for mixing with wood andmarble.Custom Made Bathroom BasinsPerhaps you have always dreamed of an element of your favoriteartist in each room of your home but the bathroom has always beenhard to compliment. Your favorite artist or sculptor can now bringtheir flavor into your bathroom area by contracting a company tocustom make your idea. A glass, stone or ceramic design can becomeyour reality by having a special bowl designed and made. Designersall over the world are ready for a challenge and can create a oneof a kind bathroom basin just for you.
Bathroom Wall Texture Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
When it comes to bathroom wall coverings, mostpeople consider one of three basic choices - painting, wall paper,or tile.Of the three choices, painting your walls is, by far, the easiestof your options. It is also the least expensive. Painting abathroom can easily be accomplished on a Saturday morning beforelunch. The most time consuming part of painting is masking off theareas that you don't want to get paint on such as window frames,shower enclosures, tiles, and so on. Once you have used yourmasking or painting tape to separate the areas and placed yourpainting tarp on the floor, the actual painting itself is a pieceof cake.If you want to add texture to your wall, you can add sand to yourpaint before you start. You can't just add sand that you pick upfrom your child's playground, however. You will want to purchasesilica sand, which is a special type of sand created specificallyfor mixing with paint. You can find it at most of the homemaintenance centers. Follow the instructions on the bag and youwill have no problems. The more sand you use, the more texturedyour wall will be. If you only want a mildly textured look, simplylimit the amount of sand that you put into the paint.But, adding sand to your paint is not the only way to add textureto your wall. Another method is to add a latex glaze to the paint.Doing this creates a texture and look that can often mimic the lookof wallpaper. By using ragging techniques, you can create somespectacular faux finishes that would rival the look of some of thebest wallpapers that you can buy.In addition, applying this type of a technique will personalizeyour bathroom wall and set it apart from the normal andconventional wall coverings that are found in most home bathrooms.Ragging techniques, even though they may appear intimidating, areactually not that hard to master. The best way to learn is to starton a small area, to get your bearings, and then continue to therest of the walls.The best type of paint to use for your bathroom walls is a waterbased latex paint. Specifically, look for paints that areadvertised as washable, scrubbable, and moisture resistant. This isparticularly true if you have kids as it will enable you to cleanmany of their finger and hand prints by a simple wash with soap andwater.Once upon a bathroom wall a unique, refreshing, miracle took place.With some adhesive, grout, ceramic tile and a little love, anundesirable wall turned into a masterpiece. In fact the entire roomwas a place where one could retreat and be surrounded inbeauty.The bathroom has become more of a sanctuary for most to eitherbecome refreshed for the day ahead or the final place where werelax before we hit the pillow. This room can have a calming effector can produce an energizing atmosphere.It defiantly can be a mood enhancer. Just by the tile design,textures, shapes and colors that you choose for the overall effect.It sets the tone for the entire space.There are two varieties of tiles. They are porous and non poroustiles. It is best to use non porous tile for the bathroom. Bathroomwall tile serves a functional purpose as well as an aesthetic one.Wall tiles protect your walls from damage. You can place the tilealmost everywhere in the room. Over bathroom vanities, shower,shower stalls and also on countertops.The fun part of bathroom tiling is choosing the tile design. Hereis a list of the most popular materials for bathroom walltile:1. Ceramic tile is the most popular choice it can be glazed andfired in any color or design imaginable. It is very easy to cleanand is water resistant. Its one downfall is that it can chip orbreak easily.2. Stone tile can be the most expensive and difficult to install.It is water resistant and durable. You can find this in marble,granite, travertine or any other stone option.
Modern Bathroom Sink Cabinets 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The overall attractiveness of your bathroomcan be influenced greatly by the bathroom sink cabinet in the room,and these cabinets serve a useful purpose as well. There are avariety of cabinet styles to choose from, and a number of woodtypes are suitable for their construction. There may be either acounter top with a drop-in sink, or a sink top included with thesebuilt-in cabinets. Bathroom sink cabinets have been in use from thetime that modern plumbing was invented.In their earliest days, bathroom sink cabinets were constructed tohold a vessel sink, and serve as a piece of furniture. Over thevessel sink bowl, a valve or faucet would be located. There were noplumbing lines leading from this bowl, therefore, it had to beemptied manually. A bowl and pitcher sitting on a washstand, wasthe predecessor to this bathroom sink cabinet.The bathroom sink cabinet became a built-in feature of thebathroom, with the advent of modern plumbing, which allowed a watersupply line, as well as a waste line to be installed. This meantthat waste water exited the sink through the new technology of hardplumbing. There are a variety of tops that are appropriate forthese bathroom sink cabinets. A drop-in sink could be housed in atop made of granite, laminate, tile, wood, or other material.Another alternative is to top these cabinets with a counter top andsink that are a single unit.There are quite a few wood choices that will be appropriate for theconstruction of this cabinet, and your selection may be based onthe decor that is already present in the room. It is not necessaryto consider the decor throughout the rest of your home whenplanning your cabinet, as the bathroom can have a feel and look ofit's own. Over the years, oak has been a widely used type of woodfor bathroom cabinets. Appealing cabinets can also be constructedof hickory, walnut, ash, maple, pine, elm, and a few additionalvarieties of wood. You have a number of choices when it comes tothe finish that your cabinet will have. Some individuals prefer toleave their cabinets in their natural state, while others willchoose a stained finish. The grain of the wood will be enhance whensink cabinets are stained. It is also important to remember thatthis will be an area that will be wet or moist quite often,therefore, you must prepare for this by applying a protectivefinish to your bathroom cabinet.There are many sizes to choose from when purchasing sink cabinetry.The cabinet will generally be between 18 and 21 inches deep. Thetypical minimum length of a bathroom cabinet is 18 inches, and therequirements of your bathroom may call for a custom made length. Itis common for drawers and doors to be basic elements of a bathroomcabinet. With these features, your bathroom toiletries can bestored conveniently. When considering the design of the cabinetdoors, it is important to take into account, that the installationof the plumbing and sink will usually involve access through thedoors. A more elegant design for the doors may include routerededges and corners, or you may prefer a more straightforwardapproach by keeping your doors square and plain. Door optionsinclude raised or flat panel, or flat and solid. The majority ofhomes now utilize bathroom sink cabinets.Bathroom sink cabinets are seen to be the centerpiece to yourbathroom. A new sink cabinet will dramatically modify the look inyour bathroom interior design. If you plan to renovate your house,a good idea to set up your bathroom is to select the sink that willbring a good point to your bathroom design. They can transform thevisual aspect of your bathroom.Buying a sink vanity is worthy taking, because the sink will reallybe raised in the furniture base, and having you that much neededadditional storage space. Since a bathroom sink has used every day,it should be lasting, but still match with the interior decorationof your bathroom.
Traditional Bathroom Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
When designing a new bathroom there are manystyle options to choose from. You can go with contemporary,traditional, antique, or modern design. Among these choices, themost popular tends to be the traditional bathroom design. Creatingthe perfect traditional bathroom is easier than one mightthink.There are a few pitfalls one must avoid however, the main one beingnot to go too much towards an antiquated look. A traditional designand an antique design are easy to confuse, but there aredifferences. An antique bathroom design is one that portrays a lookof a hundred years or older. A traditional design is something thatis simplistic but not necessarily old. When you think traditional,think rustic or farm house design, or classic Americana. Atraditional design should be something that is simple and bold,because "the less is more" vibe is what you're going for whendesigning a traditional bathroom. The other important thing is tokeep the colors natural and plain. Try to stay with colors that areslightly off white or dark browns for your traditional bathroomvanity and furniture. You want your bathroom pieces to be basic inshape and design. When creating a traditional design, you want toavoid clutter and have a few central pieces that the room centersaround.The other end of the traditional bathroom design spectrum is thebathroom styles that are more elegant but still moderate in design.Think about old style checkered floors and free standing bathtubs.You also may want to incorporate a chair or resting area in yourtraditional bathroom. Traditional bathrooms were more of a roomthat people would "hangout" in rather than just bathe. Another wayto go would be hardwood floors and a bright bold porcelain tub.When creating a traditional bathroom you can go for the gusto aswell, lining walls with gold and having tiled floors with specificpatterns.The important thing to remember when creating a traditionalbathroom design is to stay true to yourself. Your bathroom shouldbe a reflection of you and you should always create a design thatis an extension of your taste. If you are simplistic then that maybe the route you want to go, however, if you are more of a "put ona show" type of person you might want to go with a more eleganttraditional feel. Whatever your "feel" may be, always design abathroom that is just right for you and your home.There is so much choice these days for bathroom designs that it ishard enough to choose fittings if you know that you want atraditional style or that you want a contemporary style. But whatif you have not yet been able to choose between those two styles?They are both very appealing and since many people in the UK livein period homes the traditional style, echoing the era of thehouse, are still very popular.Think about Victorian style claw-foot free-standing baths withtraditional chrome taps; the outside can be painted any colour youchoose to prevent the bathroom being too stark white and clinical.They look just as fabulous in a bathroom now as they did originallyin Victorian times.Or what about the monochrome look and geometric lines of an ArtDeco bathroom with black and white chequer board floor tiles. Blackand white tiles never go out of fashion and are a classic look.That is one of the major factors in choosing a traditional bathroomover a contemporary one; in 10 years' time it will still look asgood as the day it was fitted (in design terms at least, althoughif it has not been well-maintained the grout and sealant may needan overhaul after 10 years).So there is no doubt that traditional bathrooms are a good choicefor any type of home but take a look in your nearest bathroomshowroom and you are sure to be wowed by the latest contemporarydesigns, not least all the electronic gadgets such as remotecontrol showers and those tiny LED lights in the shower head toreflect your mood.
Modern Bathroom Showers Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Installing modern bathroom showers is a goodway to enhance and improve the appearance and functionality of thebathroom. Having modern showers gives you a chance to experience aluxurious shower at your home. Taking a shower isn't just merelytaking a bath but it can also be a form of relaxation. It is madepossible if you have bathroom amenities that can cater for all yourshower needs. Aside from the beauty and its functionality, having agreat bathroom with a modern shower and other amenities alsoincreases the value of your property.The most common modern showers that are widely used nowadays arewalk in showers. These types of shower are sleek and stylish whichexudes a modern, sophisticated and hygienic appearance of thebathroom. Depending on your preference, there are many walk inshower designs that can cater to an individual's bathing needs.Shower designs for two enables two people to bathe privately at atime. For small bathrooms a combination of a shower and bath tub isa great choice.Having a walk in shower enclosure creates more convenience in thebathroom where you can simply walk into and enjoy a private shower.It also saves plenty of space in the which is ideal for smallbathrooms. In updating your room, the bathing area must bedesignated with a space in the where the enclosure can beinstalled. Using the corners nowadays is getting more popular inbathroom designs because they are spacious and don't take up muchspace. But you may need to consult a plumber to see if the waterdrainage is possible.You can purchase a whole walk in shower enclosure unit. It consistsof flooring, backing and glass doors. It has also pre-drilled holesfor the faucets. Shower enclosures have less maintenance becausethey are easier to clean unlike shower curtains that are prone tomold and mildew.In updating the bathroom, you also have a choice of installingsauna showers. These type of modern showers add more comfort onyour bathroom and a spa like experience in the comfort of your ownhome. Sauna showers emit vapor that gives a soothing and stressrelieving feeling. It can also come with additional features suchas ceiling rain, foot massager or radio.Modern showers and accessories can greatly change the ambiance andlook of your bathroom. They may sometimes be costly but havingthose types of amenities are worth investing in because of thecomfort and luxury it serves us.A great shower can either wake you up or get you moving in themorning, or help you to relax and unwind after a particularly hardday. To have the best shower experience possible, why not invest inbathroom shower fixtures that could also change the look and feelof your bathroom?There is a wide range of modern bathroom shower fixtures that canmake the bathroom a perfect place for relaxation and rejuvenation.The contemporary shower designs can spruce up the decor of abathroom, while the elegantly designed shower heads and designerfixtures impart a classy touch to any bathroom.To improve the look and quality of your bathroom, you should findthe perfect faucet, handles, soap holders and showerheads that willcomplement the style and design of your bathroom.Some homeowners select a shower set because of their functionality,taking into consideration such characteristics as adjustable spraysettings and water pressure. Others prefer sets with a variety offeatures such as shower heads that have bendable and movable arms,height settings that are adjustable, or valves that are pressurebalanced. There are also those who are simply attracted to aparticular style and finish, for example brushed nickel, bronze,copper, brass, gold, chrome and more.While style and finish will definitely influence your final buyingdecision, the following factors should be considered when selectinga bathroom shower set: adjustability, water pressure, ease of use,water hardness and water temperature.
Bathroom Tile Black and White 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Black and white is one of the most classiccolor pairings of all time. We see it not only in nature, but inclothing patterns and interior design, as well. This color paletterepresents clean cut and simple ideas and is great for manydifferent rooms in the home. If you're trying to achieve thatmodern, simplistic look - choosing to go with these two colors cansimplify your design process and give you the final look that youhave in mind. Black and white are colors that are guaranteed tonever go out of style, so you'll not only be investing in a roomthat will last - you'll be creating an absolutely timeless look inyour home.Choosing to go with a black and white color palette in the kitchenis a great idea. Checkered tile flooring can be found in manyrestaurants and diners and makes a cute accent piece in the home.By pairing a black and white checkered floor with white walls andbold, black cabinetry - you'll create a fun and modern lookingkitchen without having to match colors or search for the perfectshade of wallpaper. Another advantage of having these colors in thekitchen is that you can quickly identify spills and easily cleanthem up.Another room to consider going black and white in is the bathroom.Once again, black and white tile is an absolutely timeless look,and you won't have to worry about tearing it out in a year or sobecause the color, style, or design has gone out of fashion. Formany homeowners, choosing to go with a simpler look is a muchsmarter idea than cashing in on some of the trends out there. Blackand white is a clean combination - and the bathroom should beviewed as one of the most sanitary rooms in the home. By using thiscolor scheme on the floors, walls, and accessories in the room -you can keep the theme simple while still creating an interestingand bold décor.If you have chosen to go with black and white and are stillinterested in having some color in the room, using brightly coloredaccent pieces can give the room a "pop" of color without being toooverwhelming. Red is traditionally paired with black and white, butany bright, bold hue can be used in its place. Whether you'relooking to add red furniture to a room, bright green lightingfixtures, or even yellow cabinet handles and drawer pulls - alittle bit of color can go a very long way in a black and whiteroom.So whether you're looking to create a modern style kitchen oryou're interested in creating a simple and timeless look for yourbathroom - a black and white color scheme is the perfect solutionfor you. Keeping your colors simple is something that works to theadvantage of every homeowner when it comes to choosing the designfor a room. Without having to carry a paint chip or color swatcharound with you at all times, you can easily choose accessories forthe room. If you're ready to design your room and not have to worryabout changing it a few years down the line in order to keep upwith the trends - choosing this simple and timeless look willbenefit you now and in the years to come.A wide variety of bathroom tile is available.While contemporary styles like the harlequin design, natural stoneand marble tile designs are always desirable, it is the colorfuldesigns that are often more affordable and as a result, fastbecoming popular themselves.The harlequin pattern is a true classic which is basically, abathroom tiling design that boasts the harlequin motif which isarranged as diamonds rather than squares. If you can't picture theharlequin bathroom tiles, picture black and white squares turned ontheir side to resemble a diamond. The tiles tend to be a littlelonger and the pattern resembles a jesters costume in a way,although you can opt for this classic design in just about anycombination of colors from earthy tones to bright reds.
Small Modern Bathroom Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
If you only have a small bathroom you will belooking to maximise the most of the space in the bathroom whenremodeling. There are many ways you can make a room appear largerthan it actually is. So here are some great ideas for small modernbathroom designs to help get you started.Simple Minimal Designs Makes the Most of Your SpaceUnless you have a huge bathroom you may want to stick with a simpleminimal design if you want a modern bathroom design for yourbathroom. Therefore you should plan your bathroom with the leastamount of clutter. Only have the bare essentials in the design,such as towel rail and cabinets. You should never clutter thebathroom with unwanted objects or decorations. You can hide awaythe necessary toiletries in a bathroom cabinet so they are not onshow. You might want to include the following ideas if yourbathroom is big enough to accommodate them:Use geometric tiles if tiling, preferably in a neutral lightcolour, and hang a mirror that is geometric shaped on thewall;Add in a long ceiling to floor mirror to add depth to theroom;Consider installing a corner tub or pedestal tub instead of theoval or take out the tub and just have a walk in shower.Open Up the Bathroom and Bring Outdoors InOne of the ways to make a bathroom seem larger than it actually is,is to bring the outdoors in. However you are going to have to thinkabout privacy issues here, so you may not be able to have a windowwith a view. You can get around this by hanging up a 3D picturewindow on the wall. You could have this at the side of the tub orfacing the tub, depending on the layout of your bathroom. If youhave enough space you could then introduce a couple of pottedplants in white containers.3D picture windows are put up like wallpaper, pasted onto the walland generally come with many choices of views. For instance youmight want to give the impression of the window looking out onto abeach with ocean and palm trees or a forest. It gives theimpression that you are actually looking through a window due tothe 3D window effect.Clever Lighting and Plenty of ItA great way to make a small bathroom take on a light and airy feelin a modern bathroom design is to make sure there is plenty oflight. Natural light is best and preferably plenty of sunlight.However if you don't have large windows in your bathroom you canintroduce artificial lighting. You can get lighting that mimics thesun and which is said to make one feel better. You could alsoconsider built in spotlights in the ceiling of the bathroom and forthat romantic touch you could use battery lit candles to give thebathroom a glow as you bathe.Bathrooms are not just bathrooms anymore and some principles ofmodern bathroom need to be incorporated in designing a bathroomspace using modern design. Modern bathroom design has lines thatare bold and clean, décor to a minimum and the use of white colorabundantly. The bathroom in today's world is not just a place to dowhat is typically done in a bathroom but also a room that iselegant as well. In designing a modern bathroom, the following arethe tips that may be followed.Tips and Tricks for a modern bathroom designClean LinesLines that are clean play a role that is significant in the décorof the bathroom and it is important to consider the outer shape ofthe windows, mirror, counter top etc and ensure that they matchwith each other. Typically, outer lines that are wavy may be ruledout since they are not common in the design of modernbathrooms.It is important to emphasize or pick ovals or horizontal straightlines and use them for a clean and bold look. A more subtle andharmonious and subtle look is provided by using ovals. To match thelines, one can use a countertop that is rectangular, a sink that isrectangular or square, a horizontal mirror that is large etc andadd lines to the bathroom that are horizontal.
Simple Bathroom Design Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
How to keep away from water leaks in your newbathroom design: You spend days designing your new bathroom thenyou get the contractors in to remodel your bathroom for you. Whenit's completed it appears great. It's every thing that you everneeded and you are so happy that you even overpay the contractors.The first time you use the shower you discover water running downthe walls of the bathroom below. You have a water leak!This has occurred to me and to so many folk I know and it spoilsevery thing because it's often a lot more durable to put right theerrors that trigger the water leaks than it would have been to keepaway from them in the first place. Three common causes of bathroomwater leaks the common causes of water leaks in a bathroom designare:* Bad plumbing* Faulty seals around bathtub and shower pan* Badly hung ceramic tilesSo how can you keep away from these issues when designing orremodeling your bathroom?Bad plumbing: When designing your bathroom, even if it is a smallnew bathroom, attempt to make sure that the plumbing adjustment isas easy as possible. Keep the complete size of pipes and thequantity of joints to a minimum because the leaks will most likelyoccur at the joints. Make sure you have a good bathroom plumber todo the work and make sure that all joint he makes is a goodone.One of the key elements of the bathroom will be the cabinets. Thereare many unique varieties of cabinets to select from relying on thestyle of every homeowner. Some of the choices are unique woods,unique colors and unique styles. If the area permits it, thinkabout a double sink cabinet and a make-up area. If the householderis single this can be an essential function if he or she decides tosale the home later on. A linen closet will add storage area andmagnificence to the room.Another focal point to think about is the lighting. If there is tooa lot mild it may make the room heat and even make folk sweat whenutilizing the lavatory. On the unique hand, some of the make-uperrors are made due to poor lighting. Thinking that all latrinesare the similar is a misconception. Latrine comes in uniqueheights, shapes, and in one or two items to accommodate thehomeowners' needs. The flooring and wall tile are also key elementsin the last look of the bathroom. A bathroom designed with theright choices can be a place to relax.If you are skilled at interior design, your bathroom is the bestplace to start putting your skills to good use. Since a bathroom isquite small, it is rather easy to redecorate and redesign and evenif you make mistakes, you can correct these mistakes ratherquickly. With a number of simple bathroom design ideas, it can bequite a fun job to refurbish your bathroom and give it somegreat-looking interiors.Creativity With TilingTiles are more than just practical bathroom additions - they canadd that touch of color and class to your bathroom, and make itvibrant and attractive. Tiles come in a huge range of colors anddesigns and this will allow you to use any tile with the ideas thatyou have for your bathroom design. When you use tiles for yourbathroom, consider setting them in a variety of patterns apart fromthe usual square patterns. Consider using vertical, brick orherringbone patterns as well and you will end up with an artisticmasterpiece. Add in a number of colors and your bathroom will havethe mark of being uniquely yours.Glass Shower EnclosuresGet rid of the old boring shower curtains and use new glass showerenclosures instead. This will accentuate tiles and fixtures throughthis see-through shower design that normally remains hidden. Thisis one of the most highly recommended bathroom design ideas as youcan choose even from semi-translucent glass to create the bestbathroom designs. Ensure that the shower has vibrant tile andflashy fixtures so that the glass enclosure will truly be able togive its best results and stand out.
Classic Bathroom Furniture 1.1
Stifling Dagger
One of the best ways of injecting interiordesign flair into the home is through creating a traditionallystyled bathroom. Now you may think that to achieve this classicbathroom setting you would need to carry out a pricey renovationbut luckily thanks to traditional bathroom furniture, it is easy togive any bathroom that timeless update.With the wide range of different bathroom furniture available inthe market today, you may wonder what exactly constitutes astraditional bathroom furniture. This guide will help you find yourown traditional furniture to instantly achieve a classic bathroomsetting.The appeal of traditional styled bathroom furniture is how theyoffer an ageless yet chic design. The traditional look is achievedthrough elegantly designed units usually crafted from wood or witha wooden finish. Traditional bathrooms can also carry a period lookto them with the introduction of era inspired pieces such asVictorian styled furniture. One of the main things to look for intraditional bathroom furniture is whether the pieces maintain anelegant and timeless design or offer that vintage inspiredlook.Furniture pieces that follow that aged yet stylish look couldfollow a variety of different forms. Washstands and vanity unitsencompass these two elements perfectly. Crafted from solid wood,some washstands are available in a vintage Victorian look whereasmost vanity units, with their generous drawer space, will bringtimeless appeal to any bathroom setting. Another aspect not tooverlook with vanity units and washstands is how they can act as afocal centrepiece to any bathroom setting, making them an idealoption for those who only have the budget to add one piece oftraditional bathroom furniture.For those who do have a budget that will stretch a little further,then the period look of a washstand or vanity unit can beeffortlessly complemented by the classic appeal of matching storageunits. While when you first think of storage units as being bulkyand minimalist pieces, as the traditional bathroom trend is on therise there are various storage units that you can choose from. Atraditional styled storage unit is usually characterised by anornate design with storage space being concealed with drawersrather than with exposed shelving. Also, as with vanity units andwashstands, traditional storage units are crafted from wood or havea classic wooden finish.Adding traditional bathroom furniture to the bathroom will no doubtup the interior style stakes in the home. When you do decide torenovate the bathroom to an even more traditional look, theseclassic pieces will greatly complement an era inspired toilet withmatching cistern, should you choose to create a continual themethroughout the bathroom suite.With the increasingly popular interior design trend of addingfurniture units to the bathroom it seems that the days of thetraditional bathroom setting of a basin and toilet are numbered.While having a simple basin and toilet certainly does give thebathroom classic appeal, with the wide range of bathroom furnitureunits that elegantly combine these two essentials it seems thatmany people are choosing combination units over a simple and barebathroom consisting of just a toilet and basin.If you are thinking of updating your existing bathroom, a selectionof furniture could be just the ticket for revamping the room. Butwhat exactly are the advantages of choosing furniture andcombination units over the conventional basin and toiletsetup?Probably one of the main advantages to adding bathroom furniture tothe bathroom is the storage factor. There is no bathroom out therethat doesn't fall victim to messy clutter - even more so for thosewho have a busy shared bathroom! The perfect way of clearing theclutter is to add bathroom cabinets with interval shelving and toalso forgo the traditional basin and W.C. setup in favour of acombination unit.
Edwardian Bathroom Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The bathroom has come along way in the pastone hundred years. Once just a basic tub set in front of the livingroom fire and filled with buckets of water, the bathing experienceis now a luxury in almost every western home. Back then, a"bathroom" was something only the wealthy and privileged couldafford to have in their house. It was this trend which lead to themass production of bathroom products.The Edwardian and Victorian styles of the time are still a popularchoice today. They look exquisite in a villa or cottage bathroom,and never loose their appeal in terms of design.Today, thanks to advanced plumbing and modern technology, thebathroom may well have evolved as far as it can. With luxury steamrooms and hydrotherapy baths, it's difficult to imagine howbathrooms could get any more sophisticated. That said, thebathroom, like any room in the house, is ever changing in terms ofdesign trends.Here we look at the five most popular styles of bathroom designs.Traditional, Country, Shabby chic, Contemporary and Fantasy.TraditionalThe Traditional bathroom can mean either traditional in terms ofEdwardian or Victorian style, or in respect to a standard whitebathroom with basic sanitary ware and bath. Here, we'll be lookingat the style of bathroom design where it all started. The Edwardianbathroom.Over the past decade, with the popularity of TV shows like ChangingRooms, the trend for old-fashioned bathrooms has seen a realupsurge. A rare gem of an old slipper bath or rusty traditionalfaucet may be found at a scrap yard or in a skip, but thankfullymanufacturers are keeping up with demand with skillfully craftedtraditional bathroom products.Certain rooms only work in certain houses, so if you're living in amodern high rise apartment the traditional bathroom isn't going towork for you. If you have an old cottage or villa retreat thisstyle of bathroom is one you should definitely consider.Almost always, the bath is the center piece attraction of thetraditional bathroom. A free-standing roll-top or slipper bath sitsproudly on a dark polished floor, and only if going for atraditional continental style bathroom will an inset or sunken tubhold appeal. Either a wall-mounted faucet or a free-standing onelooks classy. Deep ridges and curved angles are what makes thetraditional sanitary ware what it is - bold and masculine.When decorating a traditional bathroom both soft tones and boldcolors can work well. Strong tones of browns, maroons and greensgive a nice warmth to the room, but be sure the bathroom is welllit, maybe with a lavish chandelier. With the right colors, antiquegold can look better than chrome. Go for curtains, never blinds. Ifgoing for a vanity unit rather than a traditional basin andpedestal, choose an oak or cherry finish; or the white Cynk vanityunit is a good look with traditional baths and toilets.One of the most appealing things about the traditional bathroom isclutter gives it more of a lived-in effect, thus enhancing thetraditional look. Don't be afraid to put plenty of pictures on thewalls - black and white family portraits in gold frames are a goodlook. A chest of drawers or corner table with scented candles,aromatherapy oils or flowers will really bring the room to life. Asa finishing touch an old style set of weighing scales, a largeframed mirror or bulky traditional radiator will give the room thatcozy old-fashioned feel.CountryThe country style bathroom is perhaps the easiest type of design tocreate, and like the traditional bathroom only really works wellwithin the right house. The classic country look is best associatedwith floral wallpaper, high beams, basin frills and a bath canopy.Following the traditional design, cast iron baths and deep ridgedsanitary ware are what gives the country bathroom its nostalgiclook.
Modern Victorian Bathroom 1.1
Stifling Dagger
With most Americans, a typical bathroom is allabout having a shower booth, a mirror and sink, and a toilet,nothing else. It may seem bland at first, but Americans havestemmed from the European way when it comes to design that givesoff a regal flair once stepping in to do their business. Victorianbathroom design is a union between the Old and New World.With sinks, most designers have a way to make use of the availablefloor space, while allowing the full usage of small shelves made oflacquered wood and drawers carved in intricate designs andpatterns. The countertop space is used mainly for both man andwomen, to place various objects such as a shaving kit, perfumes andpowders for the ladies, not to mention a large mirror to make surethey're doing it properly. The same thing is applied today, nowwith an ergonomically designed way with most cabinets and shelvesto create a modern look.Although the usage of tiles were unheard of back then, they makeuse of marbles and floor mats to prevent anyone from slipping, upondiscovering that marble and water just don't mix well for thatperson's health. This also applies for the wall coverings, and thattime they use wallpaper. In order to create a more regal look,tiles with intricate patterns and wood trimming to create a moreVictorian wall, though loosely termed.Tubs can be of varied shapes, designs and materials depending onthe location. But most of the tubs found can be of carved marbleand brass. Most of the tubs have a shower head, providing the useraccess to a shower area inside the tub with a curtain to keepthings private. And before plastics, brass curtain rings and velvetwere used, and always with ambient light from a small windowoverhead. And with the introduction of electricity, sconce and walllighting with various designs of both metal and glass has helpedinspire designers to newer heights.The styles from toilets have a history, depending on the maker. Formost Victorian homes, the toilet will have some intricate patternsand designs either etches or painted, and with the introduction ofan overhead water tank with a chain to flush the toilet, it was astart of modern convenience for most American homes. At least itbeats having an outhouse. Most of the construction is mostly frommarble that has transcended to the ceramics that is knowntoday.With more and more individuals all around the world becoming healthconscious about the shape of their bodies there are many people whoget to the point that they simply cannot go a single day withoutweighing themselves. With more manufacturers beginning to producebathroom scales in a wide variety of beautiful styles and colors,you no longer have to just settle for the simple and boring designsthat were seen in many of the bathrooms long ago. Glass bathroomscales are the perfect answer to dressing up your bathroom and cancertainly enhance the look and feel of the room.It seems as if a whole new world has been awakened when it comes tothe artistic design that is put into many styles of just aboutanything you see these days and this is also true in the case ofglass bathroom scales. If this is the item that you have in mind toput the finishing touches to your bathroom then you will bepleasantly surprised at the large variety of choices that areavailable to make your selection from.Whether the decor you have chosen is modern, contemporary,Victorian, country specific or to a specific theme of your own, youare sure to find several styles of bathroom scale that willcompliment the design of the room. Whether you have chosen to gowith just a single color or a multi-colored scheme for the room andits accessories, it will not be too hard to find a set of scalesfrom the many hundreds of designs available today to fit perfectlyinto your bathroom.
Wall Mounted Bathroom Taps 1.1
Stifling Dagger
A wall mount bathroom faucet is perfect forbathrooms with tight spaces and small counters. Compared to notwall mount faucet, it is now very difficult to install a wall mountbathroom faucet, provided of course that you have the right toolsfor the job. Be careful though when mounting on tiles as they dobreak rather easily.First off before you start, make sure to gather all materialsneeded for the job. Normally you would need your faucet of course,hot tap and cold tap for some temperature control, allen wrench orscrewdriver as appropriate, a drill and some measuringdevices.Before you start, always make sure where your water supply linesrun. If necessary, hire a plumber for this so that you will notmake some unnecessary accidents. Since wall mount bathroom faucetstend to be higher than normal ones, you might need to raise ithigher thereby making adjustments to the water line.After you have finished all the plumbing, now is the time todetermine the exact location of your new faucet. Make sure tocorrectly measure the height of your new faucet because once youmake the drilling, and change your mind, it will be very hard tocover those extra holes. Leave adequate space between the top ofthe sink and the faucet, preferably about an inch or two. If thisgets any bigger, you risk splashing some water out of thesink.Now come the drilling. Before you start, verify that there are nopipes in the wall or tile that you are drilling. You new faucetshould serve as a guide as to where your holes should be. I suggestyou trace the holes of your faucet with a pencil, instead ofmeasuring so that you will make less mistakes. Drill just about 2to 3 inches into the wall for perfect traction.Your new bathroom faucet should have some instructions forinstalling. Generally you would have to position the spout to thewall plate, followed by the washers before fastening it with ascrew. Tighten it using your allen wrench or a simple screwdriver,whichever is required.Now that you have your faucet assembled, you simply have to attachit to the wall and position it directly on the holes you've justdrilled. You should have been provided with bolts for thistask.Finally once everything is in place, attach all the other itemslike the faucet handles and any other gadgets that came with yourfaucet. Most of this parts are just snap-ons which shouldn't poseany problems.Now I suggest you do some test runs first before you use the faucetextensively and check for leaks.There you go, simple steps in attaching a wall mount bathroomfaucet in your own bathroom without the need for a plumber.Are you an avid do-it-yourself person?If you are then installing a wall mount bathroom faucet yourselfshould be another addition to your previous accomplishments.However before you start out on this project, you have tounderstand some things first. Since you are a DIY person, you arealready aware that you simply can't attack any new project head onwithout any prior knowledge of the task at hand.Here is a simple guide to prepare you.- First, extra care must be observed in the process of mountingthis type of faucet on your bathroom wall because tiles breakeasily.- Know what materials are needed. For this project of course youneed the valve you are installing, a screwdriver or allen wrench, adrill, some measuring devices, hot tap and cold tap for temperaturecontrol.- Where do your water supply lines run?To avoid any unnecessary accidents, hire a plumber to determinethis. Also, since mounted plumbing fixtures are higher, anadjustment to your water line must be made. Unless you are aplumber yourself, this may be something your DIY powers cannothandle.- After the plumbing business is done, choose a location for yourfixture. Correct measurements are needed to determine exactly whereyou want the valves to be. Any mistakes may be hard to cover andyou might end up needing to re-tile your bathroom as well.
Bathroom Double Sinks Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Moving into your new home or having thecurrent one renovated is always exciting. There's something niceabout having a relaxing spot to call home where you come back torelax and rejuvenate from all the hard work done in a day.Get A Double Bathroom Vanity SetOther than a king sized bed to share, you might as well considergetting some modern bathroom double vanities. This will at leastgive the both of you some space instead of using the same sink inthe morning. That way, you won't have to rush one another when itcomes to using the bathroom. You may want to take your time toshave while your wife may want to comb her hair and put on her makeup. Either way, you both have a separate sink to call your own. Anddon't worry, you will each have your own mirror as well. Or if yourbathroom double sink vanities come with wide mirrors, you stillhave your own space without getting into your spouse's face.Value For MoneyThink about paying for two items for the price of one. Instead ofgetting a single sink bathroom vanity, when you choose to buy adouble vanity, you are actually getting more value for your money.The only thing that you both need to agree on is the design, styleand the price for these bathroom vanities. You only need to have itinstalled once. Just make sure that your bathroom has enough spaceto fit the double vanity of your choice. I will always advicecouples to measure their entire bathroom and have in mind what theywant before going around shopping for them. That will at least helpto narrow down your search and place healthy budget boundaries foryou and your wife.Enjoy Using ItOnce the vanity have been installed, you will discover howconvenient and easy it is to use it every day with your spouse. Youcould personalized your side of the vanity the way you want it tolook without worrying about offending your other half.Home owners who love beautiful decoration will be very pleased toget some designer bathroom double sink vanities for their house.Here are a few suggestions on how to decorate your home well whichyou can consider.Get Some Visual IdeasThe fastest way is to have a look at those home deco magazineswhere interior designers get to showcase their design ideas foryour home. Now that is a very good way to consider visually how youwould like to decorate or renovate your entire home. If you areonly planning to spruce up your bathroom, you are bound to be blownaway with the many modern double bathroom vanities that areavailable for you to choose. In fact, you could even check out someof the interior design online sites that also showcase beautifulbathroom settings for you to have a look.Decide Which Theme Or StyleWhether you prefer the classical or contemporary to antique ormodern design, it is always wise to ensure that it matches with thetheme of your house. For example, if you are planning on decoratingyour home with wooden furniture and flooring, getting some antiquebathroom vanities will definitely complement all the otherfurniture and settings of your home. If you prefer to go with themodern look, then you could choose either a contemporary style orgo for the modern look. Getting modern double bathroom vanities foryour home is going to make your bathroom look great. Once you addin the additional cabinets, bathtub or jacuzzi and some decoration,it is going to look awesome.Beautiful BathroomsIf you're going to make your home look great, you might as wellensure that your bathrooms look beautiful as well. Whether youprefer single or double bathroom vanities, remember to work on thelighting and wall color. Adding the relevant bathroom cabinets,mirrors, faucets, toilets, showers could make your home bathroomvery inviting after a hard day at work when you return home. Soit's not only meant to look good but to help you relax andrejuvenate yourself every day.
Modern Bathroom Styles Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
If you have recently looked into renovatingyour home's shower, or you are in the position of owning rentalproperties and you don't want the expense or frustration that comeswith re-tiling a bathroom then you may be in need of a one pieceshower. One piece showers offer affordability will still providinga lovely design element in your bathroom. While these units aren'tmade of stone, porcelain or tile, they can still offer the look ofthose expensive products (without the cost, of course) and caneasily be installed without the need of hiring a professional. Inaddition, you can purchase a bottom of the line unit and dress itup by using high quality fixtures, such as polished chrome faucets,rain making shower heads and more. The bottom line is, you don'thave to spend a fortune or break your back on labor to achieve alook that you can be proud of.Whether you are interested in corner showers or simple bathroomshower enclosures (which allow you to add different side panels oreven glass if you choose), you can make your bathroom renovationsomething that is easy and quick to do. Instead of waiting hoursfor tile to dry, putting in grout and then waiting for that to dry,you can have access to your shower on the same day. With a onepiece shower, it is a simple matter of getting the measurementsright for the plumbing, using your intended adhesive and thenputting the unit into place. Of course, if you choose a unit with atub, it will take a bit more time and you may require the use of asecond person for the installation.If you choose a one piece shower that doesn't have a door included,you will be happy to know that you can go to your local homeimprovement store and purchase the option that you want. Inaddition, if you have a sliding glass door in place and you want tocontinue to use it, you can make it work with your one piece unitas well. Of course, shower curtains will do the trick too; it alldepends on what you want.Basically, with the right fixtures, a beautiful enclosure and thedoor of your choice, you can make your one piece unit look as ifyou spend thousands of dollars. However it is essential you measureyour door openings to the house and bathroom. Many one pieceshowers will not fit through standard doors and are used mainly fornew house construction.Multi room bathrooms are quite unique. They allow you to really useyour imagination when it comes to redecorating. You have anopportunity to replace or add on a second vanity to another part ofyour bathroom. If you add that second vanity it can be particularlyuseful if you have a door that separates one portion of thebathroom from the other. This type of look is more of a modernbathroom design.Your vanity can be exactly what you need, depending on how elegantor modern your bathroom is. If you have a modern bathroom stylethen you want a modern bathroom vanity. Luckily, there are severalmodern styles to choose from a plethora of amazing companies. Ifyou are going for an ultra modern look you will want to choose aninvisible look from a glass collection. Transparent glass hasbecome the standard for many modern homes that also have seethrough shower curtains or glass doors. Black is also a typicalmodern color, so it is no surprise that they are also manybathrooms of the future that are accompanied with black accents anda black bathroom vanity.If you need help deciding what you want your bathroom to look like,take a look at some interior design websites or magazines. You willbe able to compare dozens of arrangements that include completebathroom designs. There you will notice everything from thebathtubs to the mirrors, to the color of the tile and paint on thewalls. Brilliant ideas await you as long as you have the money tocomplete the dream. Be sure to compare the quality of the bathroomfurniture and the prices.
White Bathroom Renovations 1.1
Stifling Dagger
If you are looking to change your existinghome into a contemporary look you can start with a bathroomrenovation. There are so many fantastic ideas that you can choosefrom when renovating your bathroom.First, choose a color you like as the canvas of your bathroom youare about to renovate. An example would be a white and graybathroom. Paint the top part of your wall white and the bottom partof the wall gray. To separate the two you can have a slim piece ofwood installed that you paint silver.Next, you can look at your light fixtures. You may choose somethingbig and bold, light fixtures in sleek shapes, etc. A professionalcan help you choose a modern light fixture for your bathroom so youget the correct lighting that you will need. The professional caninstall your new bathroom light fixtures as well.If your bathroom has a wooden medicine cabinet a professional cantake it out of your wall or off of your wall. Depending on the ageof your home and if it is a prefab house, will depend if there is alarge hole in your wall where the medicine cabinet was. Aprofessional can drywall the area and hang your new modernmirror/medicine cabinet up for you.When doing modern bathroom renovations you want to keep everythingneat, clean and organized looking. With the modern look many timesless is best. A bathroom should be a place to relax in the bathtub.You can make it a very relaxing place to get rid of all of yourstress from work, family and responsibilities. As long as you donot have a foot claw tub in your bathroom you can most likely keepyour existing bathtub if you are renovating it to lookmodern.If you do need your bathtub replaced you may want to get a bathtubwith jets inside of it. This will give you even more relaxationafter a hard day's work. Your children will enjoy the bubbles inthe bathtub as well. Who knows, your children may become veryrelaxed and after their bath take a nap in the afternoon or fallasleep better at night if he/she takes a bath before bedtime. Wheninstalling a bathtub it is much better to hire a professional thatknows what he/she is doing then to try to do-it-yourself. In theend you may cause damage if you do-it-yourself. Once you damage thebathroom area, you will have to call someone to fix it and installthe bathtub anyways. Save yourself the time and money by letting aprofessional help you with your bathroom renovation.If you have painted your bathroom white and gray you may want tochoose large white tiles with gray grout to match the rest of yourcontemporary bathroom.Your bathroom will look lovely once a professional quicklycompletes the bathroom renovations for you. Next, draw yourself abath and enjoy the newfound serenity in your bathroom tub.Remodeling a bathroom can be considered as one of the toughestthings to do in home renovations. One major factor that deters anybathroom renovation is space and design. This item thwarts anyhomeowners design choice, so it is best to plan your renovationbefore buying a set of bathroom fittings.Taking measurements of your bathroom space is necessary todetermine the size of suite it can take. Small bathrooms cannottake an elaborate fitting, so scanning your bath space beforebuying is best. To achieve an overall theme for your entirebathroom without the confusion of mixing colors, simply go for awhite bathroom suite which are perfect fit for people who find itdifficult making decisions regarding designs and bathroomfurniture. Truth be told, it is more expensive to buy separatebathroom fittings than to buy fittings that come in a set. Buying asuite will save you a lot of time and money, and since it comes inset, you are able to get all its materials in the same color,making your design plans easy to accomplish. Buying a whole set isfar easier than buying separate fitting and furniture. Whenrenovating an old bathroom, simply remove old worn-out fittings andreplace them with new ones.
Modern Bathroom Tub Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The old claw foot tubs of old may have beenthe highlight of yesterday's bathroom designs, but today'sbathrooms are a bit more sophisticated. When wanting to create atruly unique spa experience, homeowners know that modern tubdesigns are a must. Today's bathtubs are more like personal spasthan they are like bathing areas. If your desire is to create arelaxing retreat in your master bathroom, start by searching onlineand in specialty stores for spa tubs.Jets, Jets and More JetsOne of the hallmarks of today's spa bathtub designs is the use ofmultiple jets. These jets and rollers offer bathers a chance tohave the tension in their bodies eased out by directing the jetstoward various parts of the back and neck. For those with chronicback problems, spa bathtubs are not only a luxury, they are often anecessity. It is not unusual to find spa bathtubs with 16-20 jetsthat provide continuous and adjustable lumbar hydrotherapy. Jettedtubs are luxury spa experiences at their best.Soaking TubsSoaking tubs often come in the traditional rectangular designs, butmany now also come in corner units, as well as pedestal designs.This traditional look offers a relaxing at home spa experience. Thebenefit to the soaking tub versus the jetted tub, is that it iseasier to clean and can be just as relaxing. Soaking tubs are alsousually less expensive than their jetted counterparts, which makesworking within a budget easier.Unusual DesignsPerhaps you have an unusual spot to fill with a bathtub. Maybe youwant your soaking or jetted tub to go in by a window or bay area.It used to be difficult to find bathtubs that would accommodatesuch space requirements, but there are many tubs that now come inunusual shapes and sizes. Oval tubs are a great example of a tubdesign that provides a unique look while also being highlyfunctional. They are more reminiscent of their claw-foot ancestorsthan they are of today's modern spa design. Thankfully,manufacturers have combined the comforts of modern technology withthe traditional look of a timeless classic. Corner and rectangularshapes are also available in a wide range of sizes anddesigns.Another unique design that is making headway into mainstreambathroom decorating is the walk-in bathtub. These are ideal forthose with mobility problems or health issues. They are oftenlarger in size and need a bit more space in the bathroom's layout.For a safe and relaxing spa option, walk-in bathtubs areideal.No matter what bathtub design you select, it should match yourbudget and your family's needs. It may be impractical to add ajetted tub to a bathroom that is shared by adults and smallchildren alike. However, it may be ideal to add a large, jetted tubto a newly renovated master bathroom. Whichever tub you pick, besure to enjoy it as often as possible.If you only have a small bathroom you will be looking to maximizethe most of the space in the bathroom when remodeling. There aremany ways you can make a room appear larger than it actually is. Sohere are some great ideas for small modern bathroom designs to helpget you started.Simple Minimal Designs Makes the Most of Your SpaceUnless you have a huge bathroom you may want to stick with a simpleminimal design if you want a modern bathroom design for yourbathroom. Therefore you should plan your bathroom with the leastamount of clutter. Only have the bare essentials in the design,such as towel rail and cabinets. You should never clutter thebathroom with unwanted objects or decorations. You can hide awaythe necessary toiletries in a bathroom cabinet so they are not onshow. You might want to include the following ideas if yourbathroom is big enough to accommodate them:Use geometric tiles if tiling, preferably in a neutral light color,and hang a mirror that is geometric shaped on the wall;Add in a long ceiling to floor mirror to add depth to theroom
Small Bathroom Remodel Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Managing a small bathroom remodelingprojectRemodeling your small bathroom, or any sized bathroom for thatmatter, can be a very rewarding and satisfying project. It can alsobe the source of much stress and many sleepless nights when thingsgo wrong and believe me they can go wrong. Managing homeimprovement projects isn't as easy as it might seem and a bathroomremodel can be one of the most difficult tasks you can undertake inyour home.How to minimize the stress of your small bathroom renovationprojectThe most important thing to do before starting your bathroommakeover project is planning. You must decide not only what you aregoing to do in your small bathroom but you must also decide how youare going to do it. So what are your options?Do it all yourselfDo part of it yourself and hire a project manager to hire acontract team.Hire a project manager to control the whole bathroom remodelProject manage your small bathroom makeover and hire a team ofcontractors yourself.Find a multi skilled contractor to complete your wholebathroom-remodeling project.I knew that I didn't have the time to manage a team of bathroomcontractors and I would hold them up if tried to do any of the workmyself. I only had the one bathroom so I couldn't afford to havethe job take any longer than necessary. So that left me with theoptions of hiring a team of bathroom contractors and a projectmanager or finding someone that would do the whole job bythemselves.Preparing your bathroom remodeling plan of actionBefore I took the plunge and remodeled my own little bathroom Itook the time to talk to people who had some personal remodelingexperience of their own. I talked to friends and their friends andI talked to the staff in bathroom showrooms. This is the best wayto help you decide how you are going to get your bathroom makeoverdone. It's also a very good way of finding contacts for suitablecontractors.While I was doing all this talking, that went on for severalmonths, it became clear to me that the people who had the leastamount of problems and stress with their small bathroom remodelswhere the people who had involved the least number of contractorsto do the work. They also seemed to get their remodeling projectcompleted much faster.Hiring a multi skilled contractor to remodel your smallbathroomI decided then that I would look for a bathroom-remodelingcontractor who would be capable and prepared to take on my smallbathroom renovation from start to finish. I was convinced by what Ihad found that they do exist but I knew that they would be in highdemand. In the end I was very pleased with the result and encourageyou to consider this route to your dream bathroom.I was right about the rarity of the one-stop bathroom-remodelingcontractor. Lets face it, there are a lot of skills required andit's hard to see how one person can be a master of them all. On theother hand none of it is rocket science and anyone determinedenough to put their mind to it can do a very reasonable job of itall.After a lot of searching for names and referrals I chose 3 possiblecontractors and asked them to quote. I found the pin boards in manybathroom showrooms to be a valuable resource in findingcontractors, as many of them will leave a card there for you topick up.I asked them all for references so that I could go and see some oftheir work and talk to their clients. This is an important and veryreassuring step that can help to ensure that you don't end up witha rogue who runs off with your money.Be prepared to wait for your small bathroom remodelThe guy that I chose to remodel my small bathroom was booked up for6 months in advance but I felt that the wait would be well worthit. So we set a time and went with it. I was not disappointed withthe result.
Square Bathroom Sinks Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
My friend, Sandi, was looking for a smallbathroom sink for a tiny powder room she was remodeling.There was room for a toilet and a small lavatory, but no more. Ithought she'd have a hard time finding the right piece, but shesaid, "No problem!"And she was right! There are dozens of small wash basins availableon the market now. I had no idea!Small Bathroom Sinks Can Be Any Shape and SizeSmall lavatories come in all kinds of shapes and sizes today. Youcan find pedestal sinks that are tiny, self-rimming sinks,undermount sinks, vessel style sinks from round to square to eventriangle shaped, console sinks (they usually have two legs standingin front and the back is mounted on the wall) and wall-hungsinks.You don't have to settle for the old fashioned wall-hung lavatorythat you might have grown up with.Instead there are sinks shaped in a square, sinks that are oval orround, sinks that sit on top of a vanity or sinks that simply floaton the wall. There are even sinks that are designed to fit snuglyinto a corner!Small bathroom sinks today are also made in a wide variety ofmaterials. These can include traditional porcelain, but alsocopper, stainless steel, glass and more.These water receptacles are designed for spaces where a full vanityand countertop are just too much. A small bathroom wash basin canopen up your area and make the space feel expansive and elegantinstead of tight and closed-in.Small Bathroom Wash Basins Come In All Price RangesYou may think because these type of receptacles are trendy thatsmall bathroom sinks can be quite expensive.However, that's not the case. Sandi and I were able to find littlebathroom lavatories in all price ranges. Two inexpensive modelswere the Renda Wall Mount Corner Sink at $100 and the elegant blackYorkshire Corner Sink at $118. We also found the Verona smallpedestal sink at $126.The small Flamingo Wall-Hung Washbasin was $64. In addition, theValencia Mosiac Copper Vessel Sink was $140.Of course, if you want to spend more, there are plenty of smallbathroom sinks that will slim down your pocketbook!What Else Do You Need to Know About Little Bathroom Sinks?The main thing you'll want to be aware of is that not all newlavatories come with hardware. For example, you'll want to know ifyou need to buy additional fittings and mounting hardware if yourchosen wash basin doesn't come with it.It's a drag to get home with your new sink and find that you needto go back to the store for more parts!Also, you'll want to doublecheck with the manufacturer aboutwhether there are any special or unique instructions about mountingyour new sink.For example, glass vessel sinks are not "snugged down" wheninstalled (the screws are not tightened with a pipe wrench), sincethat can actually crack the glass of your new sink. Ask if thereare any special installation points that you or your plumber willneed to be aware of.You May Need to Change Your Cleaning Products and HabitsMany of the new small bathroom sinks, and larger lavatories aswell, are made of non-traditional materials. Cleaning them the wayyou might a regular porcelain sink may actually ruin your washbasin if it's copper, glass or some unique metal.For example, I clean my glass vessel sink with a mixture of vinegarand water because that removes water stains and makes the glassshine, but doesn't corrode or pit the glass.Make Sure Your Faucet Will Complement Your New SinkYou'll want to look too, at your faucet, since having a small washbasin may mean that you'll need a smaller fixture in order for themto be compatible. Even a regular faucet may dwarf a small bathroomsink.Otherwise, go crazy! Artists and manufacturers are all competingfor your business, and they've provided a wonderful variety ofsmall bathroom receptacles.
Bathroom Trends Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Your bathroom is a great place to unleash allof your interior design ideas. Because a bathroom space is sosmall, it's a fantastic place to try out design ideas. This way,you don't have to spend a fortune on design materials just to findout that you don't like the design after all. And since bathroomsare so small, they make for a quick and painless redesign scheme.Use these trendy bathroom designs for your next home improvementproject and you can be sure you'll get the perfect design for yourbathroom space.Open SpacesMany kitchen and bathroom furniture's are starting to have a moreopen design. Bathroom design ideas are moving towards more openmaterials. Bathroom cabinets are becoming more like furniturepieces with legs and drawers. This creates a more lived in feel forthe design and helps to avoid the utilitarian look of most bathroomcabinetry.CurvesThrow out the old square bathtub and shower enclosure. New bathroomtrends are making bathroom equipment organic and free flowing.Curved tubs, rounded mirrors and basin sinks are taking overbathroom spaces. Cabinetry lines are smoothed out and corners areremoved, making edges and corners a thing of the past in the modernbathroom.Artistic TilesFrom stainless steel tiles to fabulous glass, tiles in the bathroomdesign are beginning to look more like works of art than tiles.Borders, bull nose and other mosaic tile pieces are great additionsto any bathroom space. Mixing and matching tiles colors, styles andshapes are also becoming trendier for bathroom tile designs.TechnologyFrom LCD televisions embedded in the bathroom wall to digitalthermostats in the shower enclosure, using technology in thebathroom is a hot design trend. Whether you install a self-cleaningshower stall or a heated toilet seat, technology is a greataddition to many bathroom designs.Asian InfluenceBathroom trends are turning more towards Asian styles and designsin the bathroom. Bamboo flooring, cherry blossom tiles and Japanesestyle sliding privacy doors are all great ways to decorate yourbathroom. Asian flavor can provide your bathroom ideas with a touchof class without having to cost you a fortune.Environmental TrendsGoing green is a buzz word that's been in use for some time. Greendecorating ideas are often used in the bathroom space by employinglow flow fixtures and energy saving lighting. But you can also gogreen with your home décor and other design features. Fromreclaimed wood to recycled tiles, an environmentally friendlybathroom space is a hot trend for bathrooms.Bathroom Remodeling Ideas - Where Do You Start?It's always an exciting time when you are gathering together yourbathroom remodeling ideas because when you update to the lateststyles the change is refreshing and pleasurable. However, coming toa final decision about the types, models and styles can be a bit ofa nightmare unless you do some careful thinking before youstart.First of all you must decide which basic look you want to create inyour bathroom. For example, do you want ultra-modern bathroom lightfixtures and a futuristic style? Do you dream of a rustic-stylewith bathroom storage cabinets finished in Tuscan Sunset color?Antique bathroom vanities are really hot at the moment and make anexcellent starting point for bathroom remodeling ideas. Or do youjust want a modern, functional bathroom with white louveredbathroom wall cupboards and discount bathroom faucets? Decide thisfirst, because there's so much choice of bathroom accessories thesedays that you could drive yourself crazy if you tried to look ateverything!The latest trend in bathroom remodeling ideas is wall to wallbathroom rugs, which I think smarten up the look of bathroomsenormously. They won't go with an ultra-modern design, but apartfrom that they will make any bathroom look more luxurious andstylish.
Master Bathroom Decorating 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Are you looking for the perfect decoratingideas for your master bathroom? Look no further! Use these tips andtechniques for creating the ultimate master bathroom space for yourhome. By using these ideas and strategies for creating a masterbathroom, you can easily design an affordable and adorable masterbathroom space that's a perfect fit for you master bedroom.Needs and WantsDeciding upon what you need and what you want, can help you get themost out of your bathroom design ideas. Sit down with whoever isgoing to share your bathroom space and create a list of what youneed and what you want. Double vanities, rain shower faucets andlighted makeup mirrors are all important items to consider whencreating a needs and want list for your master bathroom. A needsand want list can also help you to create the next phase of masterbathroom design-the cost breakdown list.Cost Breakdown ListCreating a cost breakdown list is critical to most major decoratingideas. A cost breakdown list consists of materials, labor andscheduling times to help keep track of all of the items that gointo your ultimate master bathroom design. From fabrics to paintsto fixtures to faucets, a cost breakdown list itemizes your plan,allowing you to easily shift unwanted items around easily andreplace them with similar priced options for the perfect bathroombudget every time. A cost breakdown list can also help keep trackof your sweat equity or subcontractor labor pricing, ensuring youkeep your bathroom design ideas under budget.BlueprintCreating a blueprint of your design ideas can really help you getthe most out of your project without spending a dime. Whether youdraw your own sketch by hand or you use a computer program to dothe work for you, a blueprint can help you to define the space longbefore you start painting walls or installing fixtures. It's a goodidea to create several copies of your existing layout first. Thisway, you can add or subtract design themes and options from severaldifferent designs, allowing you to get the best design themepossible.LightingLights play an important role in defining the master bathroomspace. From lighted makeup mirrors to overhead recessed shower canlights, bathroom lighting options are a must have in all bathroomdesigns. It's a good idea to create a blueprint for your lightingdesign that can easily be transferred to your master bathroomblueprint. This way, you can easily move around lighting fixturesor design options to suit your needs and tastes; and all on paperfirst.Decorating a master bathroom can be a lot of fun and a lot of work.Some of the best ideas to decorate your bathroom are often thesimple ideas. Trying to decide how to design the bathroom can bedifficult for some, so I've created this guide to help give yousome ideas.Some of the things to consider when designing your master bathroominclude what color paints to use, what type of fixtures to go withand what type of décor fixtures will you include? In order tocreate a bathroom that you're in love with, you must consider thesefactors amongst others.Lighting is a key component in any house, specifically in thebathroom. Proper lighting will create a bright feel and it willenhance the look of the bathroom. The lighter the bathroom, themore open it will feel.There are some great ways to add light into the bathroom if you'renot getting enough in there already. Recessed lighting is one ofthe most common ways to provide more light without taking up space.They're most commonly found in the ceiling and in the walls.Another great way to make the room feel brighter is by adding moremirrors. Mirrors will reflect the light throughout the room.Choosing the right appliances and fixtures for the bathroom iscrucial. For your master bathroom, you should be able to chooselarger appliances and fixtures. With larger appliances, yourbathroom will feel grander and it will be more comfortable.
Glass Bathroom Sinks Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
It used to be that small round porcelain sinkswere the standard in pretty much any bathroom. But now people aremaking their bathrooms into more than just a place for personalhygiene. As the style of the modern bathroom continues to evolve,more and more choices in bathroom sinks are coming onto themarket.One of the new trends in modern bathrooms is the use of glassbathroom sinks. There are so many sizes, colors, and styleavailable that it is a sure thing that you will find the rightglass sink for your bathroom. From a sleek clear glass sink using atraditional in the cabinet mounting, to a colorful glass vesselsink that becomes a focal point and main conversation piece of yourbathroom, you can get as creative or as simple as your styledictates.Clear glass sinks give a very modern and sleek look to a bathroom,while a glass sink in a mexican type of theme can be great for asouthwest style bathroom. A vessel sink with some kind of uniqueand intricate etching is hard to beat when it comes to the wowfactor. Remember, your bathroom is a small room, so there arelimited opportunities to impose your style on the room. The sink isone such opportunity.Some people worry about the safety and strength of glass sinks.This is not as big a concern as some would have you believe. It ispossible to damage the sink during the installation of the drain,but this can be avoided with the use of a professional installer.It is worth the payment to avoid ruining your new sink byimproperly installing it.Aside from damage during installation, it is actually kind of hardto break a glass bathroom sink. Thermal shock is the most commonway, and it really is not common at all. Thermal shock is a suddenextreme change in temperature to the glass. To make this happen,you would have to fill your sink with ice for a period of time,then quickly take all the ice out and pour very hot water into thesink. Of course we would never do this in real life, but Iexplained it just to show you that if you try hard enough, it ispossible to damage a glass bathroom sink. But you will more thanlikely never damage it through normal use.A new trend in bathroom fixtures has emerged in the past few years- glass bathroom sinks. These sinks are encountered again and againin trendy homes, in newly constructed buildings, and throughout thebath departments of local home improvement stores. These glasssinks bring an elevated sense of elegance to any ordinary bathroom.When shopping for a glass sink, some shoppers may be surprised attheir price tags. These sinks usually start at $100 and can cost asmuch as $1,000. While the raw materials for these sinks, glass, isquite cheap, the manufacturing process is not so simple. Arespectable amount of craftsmanship is required in order to producethese luxurious fixtures.How They are MadeUsually, these glass sinks are created by a team of glass artisans.Glass is heated to a red-hot state in a furnace and manipulated onthe end of a long, hollowed-out stainless-steel blowpipe. Theworker responsible for gathering and crafting the molten glass onthe blowpipe is known as the gaffer. The hot glass is shaped bypressing it against wood blocks and steel tables. Color is added tothe hot glass by rolling it in a crushed-up metal oxide materialand then reintroducing the glass and metal oxide combination to thefurnace. When working with glass, keeping the material hot iscrucial to preventing shattering. After the color has been appliedto the glass and a generally round shape has been created, theglass is handed over to a finishing team for final shaping of thesink. In the final shaping, a small opening is created in the glassbubble where the lip of the bowl with be formed. Often, additionalcolored glass will be added to the lip of the sink bowl. Byspinning the substance, the lip of the bowl opens up and forms therough-shape of a sink.
Modern Bathroom Decorations 1.1
Stifling Dagger
These days - with a greater emphasis onpersonal grooming than there may have been in the past - we arespending increasing amounts of time in the bathroom. With thisbeing the case, it makes good sense to have your bathroom be acomfortable, indeed engaging place to spend some time. Homeownersusually don't need too much persuading that they should give somethought to decorating their bathroom, but the question that thenarises is "how?" or "what bathroom decorating themes should Iemploy?" Below is a discussion of some of the more popularthemes.Modern (Contemporary) Bathroom DécorContemporary bathroom décor is best characterized by its cleanlines and gleaming surfaces. It shouldn't come as a surprise tolearn that this type of décor is more commonly found in your modernurban apartments. Stainless steel fixtures such as sinks, medicinechests, bathtubs, shower walls, faucets and spigots feature heavilyin contemporary bathroom decor and are available in wide variety ofshapes. Glass and ceramic fixtures will also tend to feature in themodern bathroom décor. Lighting also plays an important part incontemporary bathrooms with fixtures ranging from simple to funkyand available in all colors, shapes and styles. A light dimmer canbe useful to soften the light to achieve a particular mood or tobrighten the light whilst applying makeupRustic (Country) Bathroom DécorA country theme should be redolent of a slower pace and a relaxedatmosphere and country bathroom decors tend to be dominated byclassic bathroom fixtures - with the clawfoot tub being one of themore notable examples.Country decors in general tend to be dominated by wood, but withwood and water not mixing that well it's best to stay away fromwooden floors. However, wood can be worked in just about everywhereelse. Wooden pegs and racks can be used to hang bathroom towels.Open storage cabinets - for toiletries and fragrances - look goodwhen made of wood, and a wooden toilet seat will always look thenumber.Vintage (Retro) Bathroom DécorAs with all bathroom decors, a vintage bathroom décor should fit inwith the overall theme of the house. This can be one of the moredifficult bathroom decors to successfully implement as findingvintage fixtures often means burrowing around salvage yards - andthen there is also the question of whether they meet today'sbuilding-code requirements.There are however, some manufacturers who have bought back somevintage-style sinks, faucets, bathtubs and toilets whose designswere first introduced in the 1920's. Porcelain tiles with a smoothfinish are needed to finish this look.Asian Bathroom DecorsAsian Bathroom Decors are a popular choice for anyone workingwithin a confined space. They tend to be characterized by theirsimple elegance and combination of traditional bathroom design withdistinctly Asiatic touches. Decoration tends to center aroundpotted plants and the use of screens, with soft lighting also beingemployed.Shower curtains will give you a unique and quick easy way to createa new bathroom décorShower curtains will give you a great way to enhance or change thebathrooms decor with a new look. Just by adding a new showercurtain your bathroom could get a new modern contemporary appeal.If you are looking for a very personal shower curtain that canmatch your tastes you may be looking for a unique shower curtain.You will be surprised at how many manufacturers can create theperfect shower curtain for your decor. The benefits of your showercurtain are not limited to the look and appeal, it will alsoprotect your bathroom from flooding by sealing off your bathtub oryour shower curtain enclosures and will also add privacy whileyou're showering. Most bathroom shower curtains are made of durabletypes of material that are washable fabrics like polyester, cottonand vinyl PVC plastics.
Small Bathroom Tile Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The tiles you choose to floor your bathroommakes a great difference to the overall appearance of the room.Tiles can make a bathroom appear smaller or larger than it reallyis. There are many small bathroom tile ideas which can make yourbathroom look big and attractive.The first thing to keep in mind while tiling a bathroom is tochoose tiles that are resistant to moisture. You have severalchoices in this regard. You can choose ceramic tiles or glass tileswhich have a super cool look or you can choose mosaic tiles. Thechoice depends on your taste and budget.Dark colored tiles can make an already small bathroom appearsmaller. Good small bathroom tile ideas include using light coloredtiles. That does not mean that you have to use only white tiles.Beige and pastel shades will also work fine. The advantage of lightcolored flooring is that it reflects light and makes the roomappear spacious.If you decide to use white tiles, you can add some color byincorporating colored tiles at random in between the white ones oryou can use the colored tiles to make a border. This will keep yourbathroom from looking dull. You can use colored tiles of a singlecolor or several colors according to your imagination. Tiles withpatterns can also be used in between plain colored tiles or asborders.Mosaic tiles also make good flooring for small bathrooms. Mosaictiles in several light colors or in a combination of light andbright colors can be used. Choose depending on the theme andoverall decor of your bathroom.Another important aspect of tiling small bathrooms is tiling theshower or bath area differently. The tiles in the shower areashould match the tiles in the rest of the bathroom. The tiles inthe shower area can be of a different color or pattern from that ofthe rest of the bathroom. Otherwise you can use the same tiles butlay them out in a different arrangement. The idea is to demarcatethe bath area without being too obvious.These small bathroom tile ideas should help make your bathroom asmall retreat instead of a cramped and dull space.Trying to find bathroom tiles for small bathrooms can be a toughjob. When the size of the room is reduced bigger tiles can make theroom look even smaller so finding the perfect sized tile isimportant. Most people tend to go with one of two options.Very SmallThis can make the room look bigger but it also has a specific look.If you aren't a fan of really small tiles the next option isMedium to smallIn a small room you don't need the tile to be very big and canstart choking up the room. If small tiles aren't your thing thenstick with a medium to small tile and let the room make it appearbigger than what it actually is.Once you have chosen the size of the tile you need to think aboutthe best type of bathroom tiles for small bathrooms. There are manydifferent types of tiles that you can use and the key is down tothe look of your bathroom. Most types of tiles these days arecompatible with small sized tiles so your don't need to limit yourchoice due to the smaller nature of the tiles.You main choices areCeramicGlassMarblePorcelainSlateWhen it comes to bathroom tiles for small bathrooms my tile ofchoice is definitely the small slate variety. Why - I love thesmall and intricate patterns that slate gives and it feels like anexpensive hotel. If you are after are more homely feel its probablywiser to go with ceramic.In short there the main differences when you have limited space inyour bathroom is with the size of the tiles not really the type oftile. Best of luck with your bathroom renovations and I hope youfind the prefect tile to suit your tastes.
Corner Bathroom Sink Cabinets 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Sinks have existed for centuries mainlybecause of their usefulness. But now those days are gone when theywere only used for their utility and now they are used for giving arefreshing look to your bathroom. A lot of people now days want toturn their old and dull-looking bathrooms into elegant and stunningspaces... a place to showcase their decorative tastes and designerprowess.However, those with small bathrooms often find it difficult toremodel and design due to the limited amount of square footage theyhave to work with. Those dealing with this limited space may wantto upgrade their sinks, install additional storage compartments, orutilize beautiful bathroom vanities, but are hindered by thepossibility of overcrowding the bathroom. Often times they are leftwith tasteless minor solutions like paint jobs or replacing smallshelves or cabinets. This is where the corner sink comes intoplay.The corner sink has always been the best choice for those peoplewho need to work with small or limited spaces in their bathroom.Those who want to remodel their small bathroom often prefer toinstall a corner sink because this option saves space in thesmaller bathroom in comparison to other sinks.In order to take full advantage of the corner unit, you have toknow how to install and position them. Firstly, you have to installthem on a pedestal or under the counter top similar to other sinks.Normally they are wall mounted. Another advantage is that if youwall mount them then the space under the sink remains vacant. So,you can place some trash can in the vacant area under the sink orelse you can leave them vacant.These corner sinks are not only perfect for smaller bathroom butthey also perform well in the large bathroom as well. They areavailable in various designs and models, some of them are: FairMount 26" Traditional collection Corner Sink, Herbeau 0106-20Carline Vitreous China Corner Sink, and St. Thomas CreationsBarcelona Corner sink etc. They are only available in triangularshape. Apart from this they are available in various colors andpatterns. But it is recommended that you should only select the onethat perfectly blends with the theme of your bathroom.The overall attractiveness of your bathroom can be influencedgreatly by the bathroom sink cabinet in the room, and thesecabinets serve a useful purpose as well. There are a variety ofcabinet styles to choose from, and a number of wood types aresuitable for their construction. There may be either a counter topwith a drop-in sink, or a sink top included with these built-incabinets. Bathroom sink cabinets have been in use from the timethat modern plumbing was invented.In their earliest days, bathroom sink cabinets were constructed tohold a vessel sink, and serve as a piece of furniture. Over thevessel sink bowl, a valve or faucet would be located. There were noplumbing lines leading from this bowl, therefore, it had to beemptied manually. A bowl and pitcher sitting on a washstand, wasthe predecessor to this bathroom sink cabinet.The bathroom sink cabinet became a built-in feature of thebathroom, with the advent of modern plumbing, which allowed a watersupply line, as well as a waste line to be installed. This meantthat waste water exited the sink through the new technology of hardplumbing. There are a variety of tops that are appropriate forthese bathroom sink cabinets. A drop-in sink could be housed in atop made of granite, laminate, tile, wood, or other material.Another alternative is to top these cabinets with a counter top andsink that are a single unit.There are quite a few wood choices that will be appropriate for theconstruction of this cabinet, and your selection may be based onthe decor that is already present in the room. It is not necessaryto consider the decor throughout the rest of your home whenplanning your cabinet, as the bathroom can have a feel and look ofit's own.
Light Bathroom Colors Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The bathroom is one of the most used rooms athome and many people don't give it a second thought. After all itis not a room that people enjoy spending their time in. Or do they?The fact is that many people find their bathroom their sanctuary ofrelaxation in times of stress.Well furnished and a perfectly decorated bathroom will not onlyincrease the aesthetic sense of your space but will also add valueto it. There are wide array of ideas that can be used on bathroomcolors and interiors. While painting and experimenting yourbathroom walls, you can be subtle as well as bold. Also it caneither be given an altogether different color or you can use thecolor like the rest of your home.Latest Bathroom Color IdeasLight TonesIf your bathroom is small then do not use too dark shades as itwill further make the space look small. You can either use naturaland earthy tones or bright colors to brighten up the interiors.With the use of such colors the whole space will become more open.Bright or light pink, pale, light blue, golden are the shades thatcan be used. It is also advisable to use the simple and lightaccessories. Like instead of shower cubicles you can use the handshowers and the one that can be fitted to the wall for more openspace.Deep ColorsUse deep colors like red, maroon or other such hues in case youhave a large bathroom. This will give more convergent andcollective look rather than an expanded one. You can also usedifferent wall color. A wall that is you first see after enteringthe bathroom can be painted in dark color and the rest can be givenlight colors. Check out the color shades from different stores andwork on the color selection. Or you can also buy the sample colorand apply it to one portion of the wall to check if it works ornot. Paint samples are not expensive. It is thus a very costeffective way to select the right color and shade for yourbathroom.BlueBlue is the most popular of all bathroom colors. It is the mostinspirational and larger than life color as nature has given it tosky and water in the oceans. So you will feel the coolness andopenness of this shade.GreenIf you are an eco loving person then you can pick the green coloras there is nothing more soothing than this color. Wonder why oureyes feel relaxed when see greenery. Same is the effect of greenpaint on bathroom walls. So for cooler and calmer environment pickthe green color.Yellow to Orange HuesIf you are life loving person who checks and sees the brighter sideof life then pick the hues and tones of yellow to orange color.These color tones are of Sun that gives us energy and light. Youbathroom will be more brighter than ever with the yellow color. Butif you are person who gets irritated very easily and owns a shorttempered nature then try using some cooler colors rather than thebright ones.PeachPeach is also in the category of warm colors so can be used for awarmer ambiance. With this the bathroom will also lookbigger.RedYou can use the red color if you need attention. Red color willmake the eyes turn around to itself. You must have noticed that ina big room if you will keep the red rose then everyone will ask forit. It is because of the attention grabbing quality of the color.But do not over use it as this is an energy rich color. You canpaint one of the bathroom wall in this color and then pick thecontrasting bathroom accessories.PurplePurple color is associated with royalty and wealth. Use this colorcarefully in the bathroom for more positive effect as overuse ofpurple color can lead to fake and artificial atmosphere.White ColorMany people do not do much experiment with color and prefer whitethat symbolises peace. White bathroom looks very classy. But herepick the bathroom accessories in a way that bring out the effect ofwhite color more predominantly.
Small Bathroom Shower Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
How to fit a small bathroom showerWhat do you do if you want to install a shower but you only have avery small bathroom?While I love my bathtub for the rare occasions that I get to use itfor a long relaxing soak, I don't know what I would do without myshower. Showers are quick, refreshing and a lot more economicalthan taking baths. When I had the chance to redesign my smallbathroom I jumped at the opportunity to improve the shower that wasinstalled above the bathtub at the time.The first thing to remember is that there usually is a way to dothese things and you mustn't give up before you've really thoughtabout the problem. Don't be put off by the fact that you don't seemto have much room to play with in your bathroom design.So what are the options?Throw the bathtub awayTaking out the bathtub will give you more than enough room to fit asizeable shower enclosure. Unfortunately you won't have a bathanymore. While this might fit in well with your current lifestyleyou might want to think about what you might have need of a fewyears down the line and when you come to sell your property.When you sell a property you must have a bathroom with a bathtubeven if it has a great shower instead. People expect to find a bathin the bathroom and the lack of one can seriously depress the valueof your property.Put your shower in your bathtubIf you have no other option you can install a shower head aboveyour bathtub together with a shower curtain or splash guard. Thisshould be the easiest solution, as it will take up no additionalfloor space. Personally I'm not keen on this option.Turn your bathroom into a wet roomThis is an ambitious design that will involve turning the floor ofyour entire bathroom into a giant shower base and drain. It can bea very expensive option to convert a conventional bathroom into wetroom but it has the advantage of allowing you to put your smallbathroom shower anywhere you like. Even over the toilet if you wantto although I wouldn't advise it.Install a curved quadrant shower cubicleThe option that I like best for any bathroom is to install aseparate shower enclosure either free standing in the room or in acorner of the bathroom. This is a great solution if you can findthe space to accommodate the shower enclosure.The problem with this idea is finding the space in a small bathroomto fit the shower enclosure. Enclosures come in various sizes soyou will need first of all to decide on the smallest size that youthink you can live with. Even a very small shower enclosure isbetter than none at all.To make the space available you should consider the whole smallbathroom design. Find a smaller toilet and washbasin and even asmaller bathtub if you have to. Use squared paper and cut outshapes to try many different ways of arranging everything.Finally look at curved quadrant shower enclosures as a space savingalternative to square or rectangular ones. Finding one of these wasthe turning point in my small bathroom shower design. Everythingfell into place nicely after that.How do you choose the right bathroom shower for your smallbathroom? It is easier than ever before with the newest designs inthe marketplace. Choosing a shower stall can be as easy as pickingout your next husband. Seriously, there are some really beautifulshower stalls and small bathroom decor available today and it isfairly easy after you have measured your bathroom space anddetermined what size will work best for you.Shower StallChoosing a stall over a bathtub was a fairly easy choice for me.While I used to relish the times I spent soaking in the bathtub, Inow love my new oversized shower stall which replaced my oldbathtub. Small shower stalls used to be relatively unheard of butnow there are so many to choose from.Your small bathroom shower plan should be drawn up first especiallyif you are remodeling.
Apartment Bathroom Decor 1.1
Stifling Dagger
For those living in apartments, the bathroomis usually a stark and white place. People renting apartmentscannot paint the walls or add fixtures as they wish. Apartmentbathroom decorating ideas are not limited to painting andinstalling new fixtures. There are many apartment bathroomdecorating ideas which can spruce up your bathroom and make it lookcolorful, clean and fresh.The first step is to think of ways to de-clutter your bathroom. Ifyou are the kind who uses an array of crams, lotions and so on, itwould be a god idea to get a bathroom cabinet. You can even makeone yourself or buy one and paint it as you wish. It will add asplash of color to your bathroom. If your landlord permits, ask ifyou can get a shelf built in. Arrange items like soap, shampoos,oils etc neatly on the shelf. If you can't get a shelf, buy a trayto hold your stuff. This will prevent clutter from accumulating oncounters.If your bathroom is small, place towel racks behind the door. Onthe other hand if your towel rack is already affixed, add a dash ofcolor to your bathroom by using bright, colorful towels with printor patterns. The shower curtain need not be white or cream either.You can choose bright colored ones too. Make sure the color of theshower curtain, the towels and the overall color scheme of thebathroom match or you will have a melee of colors with hint senseof art or style. Include plenty of mirrors to give the bathroom anelement of space.These days, vinyl appliques are becoming really trendy accessoriesfor decorating bathrooms. You can buy a design of your choice andapply it on the mirror or shelves or use it to design tiles. If youdecide to get rid of them, just heat it for a while and it willpeel off by itself.Keep your bathroom stylish yet functional. Use nice soap dispensersor soap trays. Colorful soaps shaped like fruits or shells addcharm to your bathroom. You can also accessorize your bathroomusing rugs, potted plants or even paintings.The conclusion is: if the accessories look good, all your apartmentbathroom decorating ideas are successful.It's perhaps the least thought of room in your new apartment, yetfar and away the one that almost everyone who visits will rememberthe most -the bathroom! Yes, whether your floorplan allows for acloset-size commode (complete with crescent moon cutout on thedoor) or a gigantic bath suite fit for a king (including athrone!), your bathroom is sure to leave a lasting impression onall who enter.First things first - get cleaning pal! There are few moreoff-putting things than a grimy sink coated with hard water soapscum, although your don't-look-directly-at-it toilet is in closecontention. Get some heavy-duty cleaner (something with bleach isideal), and get scrubbing. Drop in 'toilet cakes' can be a greatway to keep your bowl so fresh and so clean, but if you have petsbe sure and read the label, as many are hazardous to animals. And aplunger is NOT an optional accessory! Buy one and leave it there,the more expensive the model the better (it will pay for itselfwith one disaster-avoiding use).Some unsightly issues might be beyond your control; odds are good,for example, that your apartment community manager might frown onyou tearing up the floor tiles. Try adding a new floor rug instead- you'll be amazed by how much it livens up a drab floor. Try andavoid clutter around the sink by purchasing a small item holder.You can find very fashionable ones at stores such as Target thatare perfect for collecting your toothbrush, comb and razor into onestylish carousel. Remember, the under-sink cupboard is there for areason, so hide bulky items such as the hairdryer and curling ironout of sight.
Bathroom Single Sink Cabinets 1.1
Stifling Dagger
The bathroom is one of the most importantparts of every house. All of us start out the day with a visit tothe bathroom. Among various pieces of fixtures in the bathroom sinkvanity also plays an important role. A bathroom sink vanity besidesmaking your bathroom look elegant also provides enough space forstoring all your essential items. There are basically two types ofsink vanities which include single sink vanity and double sinkvanity. Among these two the vanities with single sink are the mostcommon one.All the bathroom single sink vanities comprises of a basic designincluding a sink basin and a cabinet. The cabinet in these vanitiesare generally made of wood while the sink is made up of porcelainmaterial. The sink in the vanity keeps the cabinet moist at most ofthe times and thus in order to protect the cabinet from thismoisture stone countertop is added to them. Many times the bathroomsingle sink vanities also have a matching mirror in them which notonly look smart but also prove to be functional.Storage space is definitely an added advantage of any bathroomsingle sink vanities. Though these vanities do not have space likedouble sink vanities but you can comfortably place all youressential bathroom items in it. Many of these vanities also havedrawers where you can place towels, hair dryers, toiletries,cosmetics and other items separately. Bathroom single sink vanitiesare also available in different styles, patterns and designs. Youcan select among these vanities as per the overall decor of yourbathroom. You can also select from contemporary, traditional andmodern style vanities. There are various home improvement storeswhich allow you to have a look at different designs of vanitiesunder one roof. These stores also provide installation service foryour convenience. Moreover you can also look for these vanities atvarious online websites which have wide variety of options.A single sink vanity made of teak may greatly modernize your homewhile improving the value of your house, but it is very importantto familiarize yourself with the different styles available in themarketplace when considering a single bathroom vanity to bring yourbathroom into the 21st century. When thinking about a modern singlebathroom vanity, investigate features which are simple andpiercing, with clean design and features which preserve space. Theexceedingly flowery and flashy designs are a thing of the past.This is particularly true of the teak single bathroom vanities onthe marketplace. This handsome wood is not carved or painted withlittle flowers or cluttered up with all sorts of extra fixtures.Allowing a more contemporary bathroom plan places a reduced amountof notice on the muted accents and decor and truly lets the woodmaterials get the interest they deserve.A good option for homes with new design, adding a teak vanity toyour remodel undertaking allows the unprocessed beauty of the woodto be a focal detail rather than introducing numerous stainfinishes and trinkets. If you require to make sure your finishedappearance is genuinely modern, you should also make certain thebath vanities you select is minimalistic instead than being hugeand lumpy with a bunch of ornaments all over it. The ordinary colorof the wood is bold, though a elementary bordered coating isalright too.Teak bathroom vanities comprise counters constructed of anothermaterial, and they oftentimes have cabinet doors unless there isopen shelving in place of drawers and cabinetwork. Typicallyincorporating natural stone and glass material in the bathroomvanity cabinet is recommended to suitably commingle with thebathroom vanity. Bathroom vanities constructed from teak wood withgranite counters appear customary and gorgeous. Glass can be agrand option for your bathroom as well as tempered glass used ascabinet doors to present the bathroom a feeling of transparency.Just make sure to opt a tinted or stained glass.
Bathroom Wall Colors Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Painting your bathroom with interesting colorswill set a revitalizing mood whenever you enter in. Many of usspend much time in the bath area to do our own hygiene or beautyrituals. It is important that a good environment is set even whilewe soak our tired bodies in bathtub and relax for a while. And foryou to create an invigorating feel, bathroom paint colors play asignificant part to achieve this.If you are tired and are bored with the existing paint inside yourbathroom, then it's time to do the repainting. First you have toidentify what is wrong with the existing paint and think of thecolor scheme or mood you want for your bathing area. A differentlook will surely result as you do the job of finding the soothingcolor tone for the bathroom and complementing it with beautifuldecorations.There are paints also that conceal some imperfections of the area.If you have a small bathroom, more often, light colors are used inorder to widen the space. White is commonly used as wall paint forbathrooms and using light and white fixtures may sometimes makeyour bath area look boring. And in order to prevent this fromhappening, you can put some accents like bright shower curtains,and colored towels. Put decors that are rich in colors to pair withyour lighter bathroom paint colors.Light wall paint colors options include white using whiteaccessories as well or think of its contrast by putting bright orsubtle colors of fixtures. Other colors for wall are cream, beige,taupe shades, yellow, green, light blue and pink or peach to giveoff warm and calming ambiance.If you happen to choose darker colors for your wall paint, the useof white fixtures can give you a dramatic look for the bathroom.Mixing contrasting colors of wall paints and bathroom fixtures andaccents will give a beautiful look to this area. Make sure not tooverdo with the color combinations and it is always good to juststay simple and not blur your eyes with too much hues. Rememberthat your bathing experience should be a relaxing experience and itwould be best enjoyed when bathroom paint colors are soothing tothe eyes.Since you are presented with so many options when it comes to thecolors of wall paints, make sure you see first which looks betterfor your area. Get samples of paint colors and the possiblecombination with other hues and find which works best foryou.Need bathroom paint colors? It's understandable. It is a commonfact that many do not pay as much attention to the bathroomdecorations as they do for the other rooms in the home. But justwith few tricks and right techniques, you can make your bathroomsas attractive as the rest of your home. It goes without saying thatblue is considered as the top favorite bathroom paint colors due toits ties to water and the calming effects. The choices are notlimited as there innumerable shades of blue which can givecompletely different look for your bathrooms. Some of the dominantshades of blue as per the surveys are: "cinder blue" which is asilver or gray-type blue, "deep arctic" - a shade of dusty navy,"ocean cruise" which is a tropical pastel blue, and "blue aire"which is a turquoise blue of retro '60s.Apart from these shades of blue, warm colors such as peach,yellows, apricots, and cream provide the warm and cozy feeling.Peach is preferred by many for the bathrooms as it goes well withthe skin color and bathrooms are a regular place for shaving orapplying make-up. Neutral colors are also being widely chosen forthe family bathrooms as they are great at providing a peacefulatmosphere.Few Bathroom Paint Color Tips and Tricks* It will be ideal to go for a minimum of 3 shades and a maximum of6 shades while painting your bathrooms. You can choose a lightshade, a medium color, and the bright accent colors to finish with.The accent colors should be the darkest and can be used at least inthree places within your bathroom.
Simple Bathroom Designs 1.1
Stifling Dagger
A simple bathroom should provide adequatespace for movement, and comfort. Your bathroom should be one of thefabulous areas of your house. Go shopping for luxurious bathroomproducts that will pep up your bathroom and give it a freshlook.Your bathroom should be up to date with relevant products to giveit a more modern vibe, and even if you want to go traditional, youcould go shopping for vintage bath products that can give you thattraditional look you seek.For a simple yet luxurious bathroom, go shopping for bath productsthat are unique in their creations, luxurious in their design yetsimple in nature. Get products such as pedestal sinks and faucetsof different fabulous designs, go shopping for bathroom productsthat add value and taste to your bathroom.Remove all your old bathroom items and change them for new ones.Reinstall your bath space with a new toilet, bath, basin, shower,sinks and taps. Checkout bath stores online for great bathroomproducts that you will love. It does not cost much to renovate yourbathroom; it doesn't even cost much to make your space fabulous yetsimple. All you need for a simple yet gorgeous bathroom design iscaution, an eye for luxury, and a little cash.Bathrooms can be designed in many different ways. You can designyour bathroom with an old school design plan or you can make themmodern. In achieving a traditional look, all you need to do issimply buy vintage bathroom products that represents old stylesespecially sinks and taps.You will definitely find bathroom products of every look and formwhen you browse the internet. You will be astonished at the manybeautiful bath products that are available online. Do not settlefor less, ensure to go through the catalogue of the bath store youfind online for the best of all their products before buying.A simple bathroom is better than a lousy one. Go simple with yourdesigns but ensure that the designs of the products you buy arefabulous. In addition, ensure that your bathroom is always clean,which means that after you have installed all the necessary bathproducts like shower, bath, basins, taps, sinks and toilets, alwayskeep them clean. Wash them at least once a week for longevity andneatness.You may want to tear out your entire bathroom and start fromscratch, but when you're working on a budget you don't always havethat option. Luckily, there are changes you can make that requirelittle to no financial investment. Below is a list of projects andsuggestions that can take your tired bathroom from drab tofab.Simple Bathroom DesignsYou can do most of these projects over the weekend or even in a fewhours. You might want to try some of the suggestions, even if youhave the budget for a large remodel, as they can make a hugedifference in how your bathroom looks.- Get Organized - You'll be surprised how different your bathroomwill look if you eliminate clutter. Take everything off thecounters, out of the cabinets, and off the floor. Your bathroomshould be a clean slate. Separate your things into must haves,occasional use, and never use. Put the never use things in thetrash or donate them; the occasional use things can be put inplastic bins in the cabinets; and the must haves can go in thefront of the cabinet or on the counter in decorative storagecontainers.- Paint - A simple solid color or a fun faux finish can give depthand character to your bathroom. You can even give your cabinets anew coat of paint or strip them and re-stain.- Lighting - Change your lighting fixtures or add a small lamp togive your bathroom a new look. Candles can add mood lighting andscent as well.- New Linens - Fresh new towels in fun colors are inviting andrevitalizing. You can even add a new shower curtain, drapes, or avalance for a lush look.- Switch Hardware - Unusual drawer pulls, robe hooks, and toiletpaper holders can give your bathroom a luxurious, well-appointedlook.
Grey Bathroom Renovations 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Possibly inspired by family demand orcircumstances, you have at last made the decision to renovate yourbathroom. This could potentially be an expensive decision to make,as renovating a bathroom can be one of the costliest operationswithin the home, and if you do not plan your renovation carefully,you could be embarking on a difficult and frustratingproject.A primary thought before starting your renovations will beregarding any change in the size of your bathroom. Make thedecision to resize only if it is an absolute necessity, as this isan aspect of your renovation which can be the most expensive. Ifthe bathroom needs to be extended and the load bearing walls mustbe moved or removed; then review any possibility of an expansionvia other walls that are not bearing weight. It is not usual that adrywall will require to be replaced during your renovation which isgenerally due to high moisture content, but it may be worthconfirming with a contractor whether or not a full replacement isnecessary.For some homeowners, the renovation of their bathroom can be apleasurable experience where they can flex their creative juices.For others, it can be extremely stressful and frustrating as theyface a long period of renovation and a great deal of cost. Often,the individuals who fall into this category will be those who havediscovered their bathroom is home to a multitude of problems, suchas mold. Scientifically, mold is described as being a microscopicfungus, which not only has an unattractive appearance, but may bevery dangerous. While certain types are harmless, others areconsidered as being toxic. It is an unfortunate fact that due tothe moisture content, black, toxic mold is present in manybathrooms within the United States. In certain instances, you mayfeel it beneficial to obtain the opinion of a professional moldremoval specialist or an air quality control specialist, regardingremoval and prevention. It is always advisable in any event to havea fan installed in your bathroom as it is recognized that thecirculation of air can help to eliminate moisture in the room, andtherefore mold.An added benefit you may wish to consider is the installation of agrey-water system. This aids in the collection of water from thesink and shower, for transference into your toilet and garden. Therecycling of grey-water from showers and bath tubs is used for theflushing of toilets in most European and Australian jurisdictions.In the United States however, this system has been adopted wherethe International Plumbing Code has been accepted. The UniformPlumbing Code that is followed in some jurisdictions within theUnited States and prohibits the use of "grey-water" indoors.Further consideration as to which fixtures, fittings and finishesto use in your newly renovated bathroom, can include naturalceramic and non-toxic cement for the hardware. Complete extensiveresearch into the various health benefits of using vanitiesconstructed from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified woodsand painted with a low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) product. Inaddition to this, it is advantageous to investigate into theadvisability of not using vinyl shower curtains and replacing thesewith either non-PVC plastic or hemp.A homeowner's energy usage bill can include over 10% towards theheating of hot water alone. A means of obtaining some savings onthis in the future is to install a tank-less water heater, or onewhich is solar powered. The initial costs may be higher; however,it will result in a saving of energy and costs in the future. Thewater is only heated when required so there is no unnecessary andwasted heating of the water. With a standard water heater, it willmaintain the heat all day, even if the hot water is not beingused.With some research and thorough planning, your renovated bathroomcan be a source of pride and enhance the overall value of yourhome.
Bathroom Renovate Before After 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Bathroom renovations are usually the firstplace homeowners start when remodeling. It seems counter intuitiveto think that a bathroom is an important part of a home, but formost people, a bathroom that is uncomfortable or outdated can bedownright aggravating. Fortunately for the homeowner, the smallspace of a bathroom allows for a quick renovation. And with all theoptions available for bathroom upgrades, it is an easy andaffordable place to start when remodeling a home.What many people fail to realize is that they spend a considerableamount of time in their bathrooms. Jokes like a magazine rack nextto the toilet, or a teenage girl holding the bathroom hostage inthe morning find their roots in real life situations. The simplefact is, bathrooms are an important part of our lives.If you are one of the millions of people who are thinking aboutremodeling their bathroom, here are 3 questions to consider beforemoving forward:What type of look do you want to create?What is your budget for this particular project?What do you primarily use the bathroom for?Perhaps the best part of renovating your bathroom is choosing thecolors and materials you want to use. One great place to start isto look at before and after pictures of bathroom renovations. Youcan see what other people have done, and find solutions specific toyour type of bathroom. The best place to find these comparisons arein magazines and on websites that specialize in these types ofupgrades.The next thing to consider is your budget. Though investing in abathroom renovation will certainly increase the worth of your home,it's important to pick a company that can help you with yourproject by providing the best work for the cheapest possibleprice.Many people believe that doing it yourself is always the bestoption, but this isn't necessarily the case. Bathroom renovation isan art that takes knowledge and years of experience. If you want todo it the right way, you should hire a skilled professional thatcan work within your means. The quality of installation andfluidity of design will pay off in the long run.Lastly, what do you primarily use your bathroom for? Do you use itquickly? Or do you consider it a place of peace and solitude; aplace where you can get away from it all and gather your thoughts?Your lifestyle should be the deciding factor when choosing the typeof bathroom you want to create.I have been working on my rental home now for a few years but itwasn't until this past Dec/09 that I really got into the "spirit"of renovating the house by renovating my bathroom. A complete gutand haul out for a major makeover kind of renovation job.With the moving in of my Uncle at the end of Nov, while he recoversfrom the major cancer treatments he received for 45 days straight Ifound that my 1 bathroom wasn't going to work. Not for a 72 yearyoung man who couldn't lift his leg up high enough to get into abathtub and not even enough room to turn around in the bathroom,let alone dry off, dress and brush your hair.It was an old, smelly and wayyy past it's prime kind of bathroomthat needed a major makeover. The colors in there were originallyLime green tiles and white walls, cream colored bathtub (notbecause of the paint but rather age) and sink. Oh and of course wecan't forget that lovely gold flecked off white lino on the floorthat had more cracks in it then something with crackle paint onit!I had wanted to renovate the bathroom for 5 years (that is how longI have lived in this place). My husband would have nothing to dowith the changes I wanted. Stating that the landlord wouldn't allowit. Was he wrong!
Bathroom Subway Tile Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
If you're looking for a great look for tile,then you should consider Subway Tile. The sleek, elegant yet simplelook of the basic 3x6 inch tile harks back from the 1930's when thesubway tunnels of New York were adorned with miles of this kind oftile. It's very easy to install and really adds a great look to anyroom as well as a great complement to any tiling job.These tiles come in a variety of colors, from basic white to justabout anything you desire. The latest trends include specializedglass tiles sold in the size and shape of classic subway tiles. Youcan find deals online through a variety of outlets, where you cancompare prices and styles and find exactly what you're lookingfor.Be sure to prepare the area before tiling by using the rightsubstrate and always apply your tile to a clean and even surface.Any bumps or irregularities will show up in the application ofsubway tile, so be sure to prepare the surface carefully.A simple adhesive or mastic can provide the proper bonding materialyou'll need for your application. If you're doing a kitchenbacksplash or an area that's prone to moisture, be sure to use theproper bonding material and allow plenty of time to dry beforeusage. Applying grout is a simple procedure that blends your SubwayTile into the wall with the color pattern and contrast you desire.Choose your grout carefully because re-applying a different groutcolor is a painful process.The subway tile gets its name from white glazed tiles used insubway stations in the 20th century. Usually, this rectangularsubway tile is the great option to decorate your home and exterior,especially for kitchen and bathroom.Here are 3 amazing reasons, why you must pick these tiles todecorate your home:1. One Tile That Fits AllThe main benefit of using subway tiles is its simplicity. The tileis rectangular in shape and very simple in design. This is why itis compatible with most interior and architecture. Darker tones arepreferred in the bathrooms & outdoors while lighter tones arepreferred indoors and in kitchens. It is not always compulsory toposition them in a traditional way, you can also position themvertically or in any other nontraditional manner.It can match and complement almost every design to spice up thelook of your home.2. Backdrop SaviorSubway tiles provide the perfect solution for decorating abackdrop. Whether it be a cabinet, mirror, window or a painting,subway tiles will enhance the look and feel of your belongings.White glazed tiles offer a great solution for this. With othertones, you can add visual interest in your house. It is notcompulsory to install subway tiles on the whole wall. You caninstall them in a square pattern, and place the object you want tohighlight on top of tiles.Combined with latest 3-D printing technologies, you can have apretty good combination to amp up your house.3. Mix and MatchYou can use subway tiles as standalone tiles. But if you wantsomething more, you can try to mix different shades & tones oftiles on different walls. You can also try retro and moderncombination, by matching. Really there are unlimited ways todecorate your interior and exterior. Just take an inspiration, andcreate your own art.You can create textural interest by complementing objects aroundthe site. You can also try contrasting, but don't go tooextreme.There are many opportunities with these tiles, you can use them togive the traditional or retro look to your house. While they arewidely used in kitchens and bathrooms to give them a rich feel.These tiles can indeed give your home an artistic look and feel.But don't forget to explore beyond traditional monochromatic tiles& designs.Don't forget to check out our other articles as well.
Bathroom Rain Showers Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Rain showers offer homeowners with affordableshower luxury. These simple but highly functional fixtures cansurely transform a dull shower into a more enticing and soothingsanctuary. As with most home fixtures, rain shower heads now comein a broad range of sizes, styles, designs, finishes, features, andtypes to fit the varying tastes and preferences of users. The greatthing about these specialized shower heads is that they cancoordinate well with almost all types of bathroom themes, may it betraditional or contemporary. Most of all, they are capable ofproviding an invigorating and relaxing bathing experience, which issomething that you cannot enjoy from ordinary shower heads. Theyoffer a gentle rain-like shower that is powerful enough toeffectively rinse off one's body.Rain-style showers are sold in varying models that boast differentfeatures. Some feature attractive LED lights that are powered bywater, while others have speakers that allow users to enjoy theirfavorite music as they fully drench their body under the shower.They are also available in different mounting configurations andinstallation setups. Depending on what is the convenient setup foryou, you can choose from a rain shower head that is wall-mounted,ceiling-mounted, or installed on a wall arm.Apart from that, these amazing shower heads also come in differentfinishes including chrome, satin nickel, and polished brass. Thosewho are into a classic and clean bathroom look should opt for achrome rain shower head. Meanwhile, homeowners who want to add ahint of color to their bathroom space must settle for a rain showerhead with a polished brass look. On the other hand, those who wantto modernize the look of their bathroom should integrate a rainshower head that features a stylish satin nickel finish. Bear inmind to choose a finish that will be able to provide you with thebathroom look that you want to achieve.Indeed, rain showers, regardless of the type, style, mountingconfiguration, and size, are undoubtedly great home investmentsthat will absolutely offer you with optimum shower convenience andan indulging bathing environment.Using a rain shower head in your bathroom is even more fun than itlooks. Aside from the usual compliments from your friends who getto see the beauty of the inside of your shower room, you willactually feel its benefits the moment you go under the steadystream of water pouring on your head and body, lightly andrefreshingly.Compared to the traditional shower nozzles that use high pressureto drive water right to your body, sometimes hurting you along theway, rain shower heads don't push water out, they let it fall.There is a very big difference between the two. For the ones whowant their shower hard and strong, you might not get thesatisfaction that you are looking for in a rain head, but if youwant to experience that old feeling of playing in the rain again,this new way to shower is for you.For those of you who already have one, I am sure you are having funusing it. These tips might help you add more zest to your showers.For those who do not have one yet, these might help convince you totry one soon.Correct Positioning - To maximize the effect of your rain showerhead, you must position it directly above your head so that you canmaximize the feeling that it could give you. Some shower heads arestill attache. If your shower head is mounted like this, you mightwant to consider buying an extension arm for your rain shower head.Keeping the shower right above your head will give you theimpression of raindrops directly falling on your head.Correct Head Size - Size does matter. The smaller the rain showerhead diameter, the more water pressure you can get from it. You canstart with 6 inch heads, and work your way up to a large rainshower head measuring up to 12 inches with less pressure and morecoverage. Will give you the true feeling of playing in therain.
Classic Bathroom Units Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
One of the best ways of injecting interiordesign flair into the home is through creating a traditionallystyled bathroom. Now you may think that to achieve this classicbathroom setting you would need to carry out a pricey renovationbut luckily thanks to traditional bathroom furniture, it is easy togive any bathroom that timeless update.With the wide range of different bathroom furniture available inthe market today, you may wonder what exactly constitutes astraditional bathroom furniture. This guide will help you find yourown traditional furniture to instantly achieve a classic bathroomsetting.The appeal of traditional styled bathroom furniture is how theyoffer an ageless yet chic design. The traditional look is achievedthrough elegantly designed units usually crafted from wood or witha wooden finish. Traditional bathrooms can also carry a period lookto them with the introduction of era inspired pieces such asVictorian styled furniture. One of the main things to look for intraditional bathroom furniture is whether the pieces maintain anelegant and timeless design or offer that vintage inspiredlook.Furniture pieces that follow that aged yet stylish look couldfollow a variety of different forms. Washstands and vanity unitsencompass these two elements perfectly. Crafted from solid wood,some washstands are available in a vintage Victorian look whereasmost vanity units, with their generous drawer space, will bringtimeless appeal to any bathroom setting. Another aspect not tooverlook with vanity units and washstands is how they can act as afocal centrepiece to any bathroom setting, making them an idealoption for those who only have the budget to add one piece oftraditional bathroom furniture.For those who do have a budget that will stretch a little further,then the period look of a washstand or vanity unit can beeffortlessly complemented by the classic appeal of matching storageunits. While when you first think of storage units as being bulkyand minimalist pieces, as the traditional bathroom trend is on therise there are various storage units that you can choose from. Atraditional styled storage unit is usually characterised by anornate design with storage space being concealed with drawersrather than with exposed shelving. Also, as with vanity units andwashstands, traditional storage units are crafted from wood or havea classic wooden finish.Adding traditional bathroom furniture to the bathroom will no doubtup the interior style stakes in the home. When you do decide torenovate the bathroom to an even more traditional look, theseclassic pieces will greatly complement an era inspired toilet withmatching cistern, should you choose to create a continual themethroughout the bathroom suite.Bathroom furniture is a must have feature for your bathroom as itnot only provides a stylish look but also helps to keep theproducts and other items arranged in one place. Bathroom furniturealso enables you to hide any unwanted piping or unfinished walls inorder to make your lavatory maintain its fashionable look. There isa huge variety of the types of bathroom furniture that is availableeasily anywhere, and does not really cost much. In fact it provesto be very cost efficient when it comes to arranging your bathroomaccordingly. Different types of bathroom furniture include bathroomvanity units, bathroom shelves and bathroom cupboards. Washroomfurniture is easily available in stores and is suitable for everybathroom type. As it is manufactured by keeping in mind thedifferent needs of the customers and the different types ofbathrooms that are to be fitted with the furniture, no matter howlarge or small the space of the washroom is. These units aremanufactured by considering all these properties.However, one of the best types of lavatory furniture is a bathroomvanity unit. Washroom vanity units not only add sensibleness to alavatory but also add style to it as well.
Modern Bathroom Wall Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
If you are to renovate your bathroom, thereare many things to consider. One of those is the design of thebathroom. Specifically, the furniture and the furnishings of it arewhat you must keenly check.The kind of tile you will use in tiling a bathroom floor or wall isone of those that can greatly affect the room's functions andlooks. Specifically, they can either make it look dull, clinicaland plain or beautiful, unique and elegant. Although directly, thatdepends on the tiles, if you would really look at it, it alldepends on you. That is because you make the decision of which onesyou are to use.There are numerous tiles to which you can choose from for yourbathroom. It is important that you get to pick the ones that arethe best. By best, that means they should complement the bathroom'sfixtures and must blend well with its overall theme ordesign.Let's us say though that what you are to renovate is your bathroomwall. Also, you want it to look modern. For that, what options doyou have for bathroom wall tiles? And what should you get amongthose choices?When classified according to the materials used, there are ceramic,glass and stone tiles that you can opt to. Ceramic tiles are theones most popularly used. They are affordable as well as durablewhich is perfect for a bathroom due to the amount of moisture inthe room. Glass tiles are the ones that are more expensive. On theother hand, stone tiles, which can either be marble, granite orslate, are the most costly ones. They are more porous though makingthem prone to stain.These three common options for bathroom wall tiles can all workwell in a modern bathroom design or theme. The decision of whichtype you should get though must depend not only on what you thinkis of best quality or which one is cheap. Their colors and designpatterns must also be considered.Generally, all of them come in various colors, sizes and designpatterns. Among those that are popularly used today are the blackand green tiles so you may want to go for them too. However, if youchoose to use black tiles, do not cover your bathroom with it as itcan make it look dark. Use it on just parts of the wall. You canalso opt to tiles with pictures and hand painting. But like blacktiles, do not overuse them. They can make your bathroom look busyand overloaded.There are so many ideas that you can apply to achieve the modernlook that you want for your bathroom. However, just remember thatthe tiles that you should get must complement the overall design ofit. Otherwise your modern bathroom will look imbalanced.People are now starting to rethink almost everything from theplaces they live and how they want to live. Modern bathroom designtrends have wanted changes and the innovations had been sensible,fun and interesting so far. The new generation of designers are nowbreaking out from the mold and creating bathroom interiors that arefunctional, elegant, and convenient to maintain. So whether you areorganizing a bathroom remodeling project or starting to createsomething from scratch, here are wonderful ideas that willtransform your bathroom into the innovative 21st century.RTA Cabinets. Among the most popular home improvement items in themarket today are RTA cabinets. These items offer the besteconomical deal that gives your bathroom organization, efficiencyand an added appeal without breaking your bank. There are variousstyles, designs and colors available today to complement everybathroom décor. RTA cabinets are available in wall mounted, freestanding, base, corner and other non standard models. There arealso various stylish and organizational features for you to choosefrom.Sinks & vanities. Modern bathrooms now boast sleek wall mountedvanities that enhance visual space inside the room. They are oftenmatched with streamlined wall mounted faucets and streamlinedvessel sinks that may not be that easy to maintain but decrease theneeded counter depth.
Simple Bathroom Styles Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
If you find information on styles of bathroom,you will find hundreds of them and various options to decorate yourbathroom in shopping malls, lifestyle and décor magazines,newspapers, internet, etc.However, before digging in the information on bathroom interiorelements we should know our taste and the styles of bathroom sothat we should incorporate those elements properly.The problem is that many people do not know the styles and theirdistinguishing properties. The result is often chaos, withexpensive fittings and accessories making it impossible to findanything you need, or important functional items being placed inprominent unattractive places so that they will not be lost. Thisis a problem, which could be with no trouble cured by simplygetting information about bathroom styles.The most important aspect of creating a new bathroom is choosingthe style of bathroom you want to have. However, the bathroomshould be functional and practical, but look of the bathroom isalso important.The style of your small bathroom can also make it look larger.Country and French styles bathrooms look small and cluttered. Whilecontemporary looks sleek, spacious, and open.Therefore, we discuss the various bathroom designs and theirproperties.For Bathroom interior, we have three basic styles of bathroom--country, contemporary, and traditional. All of them have prominentdifferences in colors, fixtures, and fine details.Contemporary Style:Contemporary style is minimalist style known for its consistency.It is clean, uncluttered and sleek having plain and straight lineinterior where wood and stone finishes play very importantrole.It is applicable in homes having modern interior. It emphasizes ontextures, material, lines, lighting and sharp edged designs.Use neutral colors such as - whites, blacks, creams, earth tonesand grays. But people really want to feel somewhat energetic inbathroom then they can highlight the wall by painting in an accentcolor without disturbing the overall simplicity and of thecontemporary bathroom. However, you cannot use the eclectic lookfor the whole bathroom, if contemporary.Some of the important properties of contemporary bathroom arebrushed metal fixtures, textured cotton fabric, natural stones,freestanding bathtub, logical lighting.Contemporary bathrooms include:· Use furniture with clear and clean lines with smoothsurfaces.· Furniture should be of light color wood like maple, teak withminimal grains.· You can use stainless steel furniture, Clear glass, chrome, andnickel.· When painting the walls, choose shades of brown, taupe, cream orpure white. However, neutral does not mean boring, so be sure toinfuse the room with small splashes of a more vibrant, boldcolor.· This may include painting one wall with an accent color, adding abold red sofa, or adding vivid accessories, such as decorativepillows, towels, rugs or art. Just be sure not to over-accessorize-- the key to contemporary design is simplicity.· Lighting plays the most important role in contemporary design, toilluminate the decor. Track lighting are popular in contemporarydesign.· Natural fabrics such as silk, wool, linen, and cotton are usedfor upholstered chairs. However, bold color or geometric patternmay be brought into the design with pillows, a rug or throw.· Stainless steel, nickel and chrome metals are prevalent for bathvanity in contemporary design· Glass shelves can be used to give urban style to thebathroom· To make your bathroom more interesting, One of the wall can behighlighted with textured paint or linen wallpapers· In the bathroom, you may use fluffy rugs, towels, or fabricshower curtains.· Floors in a contemporary style home should be smooth in wood,tile, or vinylCountry style: Country style is very simple which makes this styleworkable for everyone. It does not require huge investment
Bathroom Vessel Sinks Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
I am a real estate agent and I noticed when Iam showing houses that have vessel sink vanities in the bathroomsthat they are sold so much faster than the others. The bathroom isone of the most important rooms in the house, and it is either thefirst or the very last room that my clients will visit solelybecause it is such an important one. And bathroom sinks can make orbreak the sale of a house, and if it doesn't look its best then beprepared for disappointment - that's where bathroom vessel sinkscome in. I will recommend bathroom vessel sink to all of my clientsand that is because they can do so much for the bathroom.Vessel sinks can add so much style to a bathroom. The look of thesinks, are like no other, and you will know what I mean if you seethe sinks. These sinks are one-of-a-kind, and because they cancreate such an amazing atmosphere in the bathroom, I will stronglyurge each client of mine to consider installing them before sellingtheir house. I have literally seen the sinks sell houses all ontheir own.The way that the bathroom vessel sinks perform is yet anotherreason that I highly recommend them to my clients. Have you everhad a sink that practically had the water dribbling out of it? Oreven had the water come out so forcefully that it would splash allover the bathroom including you? These vanities are made to be ofthe best quality, and to outperform any other sink. Just try oneyourself, and you will see what I mean.Vessel sink vanities are never as pricey as my client's think theywill be. What I tell my clients about the sinks and what they cando for a bathroom they will instantly assume that they will cost anarm and a leg. When I tell my clients what the price of the sinksare they are usually so surprised and so excited that they willwant to go out and buy them that instant. This is good news for mebecause the sooner they install the sinks the sooner I can sell thehouse.If you are trying to sell a house and have not had any luck inselling then try remodeling your bath with such sinks. The bathroomvessel sinks can practically sell a house all on their own just trythem, and you will be surprised at how quickly your housesells.I bought my parents a vessel sink for their fortieth weddinganniversary and they have no idea what is in store for them. Suchbathroom vessel sinks are amazing because they are so modern. Yousee, my parents are snow birds so they are usually gone fromDecember until April. For anyone that isn't familiar with what asnow bird is to put it simply, a snow bird is someone that isusually retired and will move to a warmer climate when the weathergets colder. They leave Buffalo in December, and head to Florida sothat they won't have to put up with the cold weather and horriblesnow. I really envy them right now. The past few weeks have beenhorrible in terms of snow, and my back is still bugging me from thelast time that I had to shovel the driveway. So I promised to lookafter their house while they were away, and I got the idea ofremodeling their bathroom for their fortieth weddinganniversary.Their anniversary is March the 29th, so when they get back theiranniversary present will be ready for them. I can't wait, I'm soexcited to see how they will like bathroom vessel sinks. I am justimagining what the expression on their faces will be. Their houseis twenty-five years old, and the bathroom has not been updated atall. It looks pretty worn down and unappealing, so I thought that aremodeling would be an awesome way to surprise them. I hadinstalled a new toilet; we took out the bathtub and installed anewer one, painted, and redid the floor, and added a vessel sink.The bathroom looks completely different, and I am afraid that theymay like it so much that they will ask me to do the other bathroomsas well. The best part of the newly renovated bathroom in myopinion is the vessel sink vanities.
Bathroom Renovation on Budget 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Are you getting somewhat frustrated about theway your bathroom looks like nowadays? Here is an idea -renovate!However, if you are running on a tight budget these days, it is nota reason to eliminate bathroom renovation and put it off as anactivity in the uncertain future. You can still start renovatingyour bathroom into a part of your house that is a welcoming placeto be - even on a limited budget.Here are some effective tips in accomplishing your self-appointedproject.1. Have a specific plan and budget for your bathroom renovationproject. Realize the new design you are envisioning for yourbathroom and identify how much you are willing to spend to achieveyour goal.2. Stick with your plan. Once you already have the design that youultimately want to accomplish and already have set up a budget planfor it, avoid deviating from them.3. Implement your project one at a time. You have to determinewhich part of your bathroom must first undergo redoing orreplacement in order to fit into your planned design.4. Do some canvassing first and compare the prices of items youneed. Do not purchase the item you need in the first store you gointo. It is advisable to widen your options.Go into several shops and stores and check out the prices theyoffer for the items you need. You may be able to save hundreds ofdollars if you purchase the right item in the most affordableprice.5. Try shopping for items you need around the time when there maybe discounts available.For example, during summer or throughout the holidays when mostpeople are not very keen on renovating their bathrooms, you mightfind some stores that offer discounts on items you need for yourfuture bathroom renovation projects.6. Be aware of small and simple ways, which do not entail a lot ofmoney but may contribute to change your bathroom's appearance.Changing your shower curtain or installing a cabinet to put intowels can create a remarkable effect.Many new home owners and young couples who are on a budget find itdifficult to renovate their homes due to the belief that homerenovations can only be accomplished if one has a lot of money. Ifyou are currently living on a tight budget but you want to renovateyour home, you should not fail to do so. The reason for this isthat there are several affordable home renovation ideas that youcan use to re-design your home. The following ideas can help yourenovate your home without having to spend too much.The first thing that you should do is to utilize traditionaldecorations such as paintings and candles. You can put sets ofcandles in your house, which will not only enhance the appeal ofyour house but they will also meet your lighting needs. Other thanusing candles, you can purchase cheap rugs and use them tocompliment the overall theme of your house. This will make yourhouse appear great without having to spend a lot of money. You canlet the traditional decor remain in your house until you feel theneed to have a change. Many types of traditional decor are greatfor do it yourself home renovations.There are many house renovation ideas that you can use to improvethe appearance of the sitting room and other areas of your homesuch as the kitchen and bathroom. If you are looking forward torenovating your bathroom, you can choose to purchase vinyl remnantsand install them in your bathroom. Vinyl remnants are affordableand will give your bathroom an appealing and durable floor. Anotherthing that you can do is to replace the countertops of yourbathroom to achieve a more updated look. Another home renovationidea is to use faux materials instead of real materials. Forinstance, you can use laminate instead of using expensive naturalmaterials such as quartz and granite. Laminate is very costeffective and it will create a look that is similar to that ofnatural materials.
Modern Bathroom Units Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Today when the one connection that links eachhectic lifestyle is the never-ending hustle and bustle, what betterway to enhance everyday living than by remodeling and creating apersonal and intimate haven that perfectly complements with yourneeds and the time? Contemporary bathrooms showcase all theconveniences that advanced technology and cutting-edge designsbring, this combination is made more delightful by a clean, chiclook that makes everything as uncomplicated as possible. With thissaid, this article helps you complete the look and functionalityyou want your remodeling project to brandish with the right modernbathroom vanities for contemporary bathrooms.Modern bathroom vanities are one of the most important fixtures incontemporary bathrooms that greatly contributes to functionalitythat can also make or break the overall appeal. This makes choosingthe right one a crucial part of remodeling.Shopping these days is a whole lot easier than with buying in thepast. With the Internet making everything faster and much moreconvenient, you get to search for thousands of choices for modernbathroom vanities with just a blink of an eye. This might seem verysimple but the big advantage can also be the same thing that causesthe great disadvantage. This has also caused a lot to beoverwhelmed with the choices and get careless when buying. To avoidthe hassles and cost of getting scammed or purchasing the wrongitems, it pays to do your homework well.Before shopping for modern bathroom vanities to integrate intoremodeling contemporary bathrooms, there are certain details youneed to take note of to avoid buying the wrong unit. This checklistcan also help narrow down your options:· Exact dimension of available space to know what sizes will fitinto the remodeling project.· The current or planned theme for your contemporary bathroomwhether Zen inspired, sleek Bachelor type, stark industrial orothers.Aside from these basic factors given, there are also otherconsiderations to take into account to get the best fitting modernbathroom vanities for contemporary bathrooms:Use. For a more personalized touch, consider who the bathroom isfor and how the vanity would be used. If the remodeling involvesthe masterbathroom which will be used by a couple, then a doublesink vanity would be ideal. Aside from providing grooming areaswhich can used at the same time for both her and his needs, adouble sink vanity also makes up for more storage that preventsclutter.Just like most furniture products, you can also choose to haveready-made or custom-made modern bathroom vanities. It is advisableto have them custom-made if the standard ready-made units will notfit into your bath or there is no design you find at shops to meetyour specific taste. But with the very wide array of options forcontemporary bathrooms, you will surely find the right ready-madevanity for you.Aside from styles, another thing to look out for when buying modernbathroom vanities is luxurious looking surfaces. Some of the mostcommon materials to find in contemporary bathrooms include glass,natural stone, quartz, and hardwood.To create modern bathrooms can be both intimidating and exciting.You may have to choose from a plethora of popular designs andbrands and the various features of each unit. But, one thingcertain is, modern fixtures for bathrooms all have an element ofinnovation, creativity and contemporary factors.Modern bathrooms are often found in hotels and upper class homes.Fixtures come in sleek designs and distinct patterns which makethem unique. From the tiles, the flooring, cabinets, counter topsand vanity units to sinks, faucets, shower and lighting fixtures.They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. They arenot only functional, they also depict trend. If you have thenatural ability to decorate then you can easily come up with anidea in order to come up with a classier and elegant lookingbathroom.
Modern Master Bathroom Design 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Add Some Color in your Master Bath· The most common bathroom fixtures are usually in white. Whitetiles, white wall, white sinks and cabinet- they seem so blindinglypure. It is a known fact that color sets the mood and sayseverything about a room.· You can use some deep rich colored fixtures and tiles like greenor calming blue to give off a feeling of serenity and relaxation,which is a total opposite of plain neutral white shades.Soften It Up· To provide a luxurious feeling in your bathroom, add some softtouches. Most bathrooms are adorned with plain white fixtures,therefore, they are also covered with hard surfaces, from wall towall, ceiling to floor.· Lush rugs as well as hand towels can create a soft lavish feelinside the master bath.· Rather than use white and other neutral colored sink and cabinet,choose a classy marble pattern which can match up with the mostexpensive hotels you can find.Fancy Fixtures and Faucets· A luxurious master bath should have the latest trendy faucets,tubs and showers. A jetted bath tub can take the place of yourboring bath tub.· You can also purchase a spa pillow so you can have the optimumcomforting soak.· Change your fixed standing only shower to a detachable showerhead. If you have enough budgets, opt for the multiple heads so youcan have the most luxurious shower.· There are new sink models using electronic faucets today. Theseinnovative fixtures help in preventing water overflow to reduce theamount of water wasted while hand washing or brushing your teeth.There are also sink models in designer ceramic, marble andstone.· A trendy toilet is another way of making your master bathroomluxurious one. There are models having automatic flush sensors,rear and front washing fixtures, air dryers, heated lids and seats,and deodorizer. If you're considering of upgrading your toilet,purchase along a new toilet paper holder that has dark finish thatadds to the inviting look of your bathroom.Make it Warm and Comfy· Most bathrooms are built with cold and hard tile floor. Apartfrom the luxurious rugs, you can also purchase a heated floor matthat you can position below your bathroom flooring to keep yourtoes and feet warm.· These heated mats can adapt to any bathroom surfaces such astiles, laminate, stone and even wood.· If heated mats are costly and luxurious, you can instead considera heated towel bar. It will allow you to have a pre-heated towel athand right after bathing or soaking in your bath tub.Upgrading your Master BathroomInvestment in your home should be carefully planned. You shouldknow the specific part of the house where you can invest greateramount. Your bathroom is one place in your house that is worth theinvestment.· The bathroom designs at present have gone a long way compared tothose traditional boring motifs.* Among the trendy bathroom designs at present is having his andhers vanities. Gone are the days of limited bathroom space wherethe shower, sink and toilet are the only fixtures.* Today, modern bathrooms are roomier but still people want morespace for counters. Even the counters have quite changed. Thelaminated counter top is no longer a fashion and a lot of modernluxurious designs are coming out.* Jacuzzi tubs are now common bathroom components in contrast tothe previous perception of them being a luxury.* Multiple head shower heads are also gaining popularity.Overall, the bathroom theme nowadays is about style and luxury.This is because bathrooms are not just for taking showers; they arealso for relaxation and relieving stress after a long exhaustingday.· Warmer effects of bathroom lights are also ideal for luxuriousmaster bath.* You can choose the lights playing wonderful effects. This isamong the luxurious effect that you can find in hotel baths.* There are several switches for lights situated on specific areaswhere work is usually done.
Modern Bathroom Vanities 1.1
Stifling Dagger
You don't find anything new or specific inbathroom vanities. It is old concept that cabinets keep holdingbathroom sink just to conceal general view and adjust in plumbingarea. But old fashioned vanities have additional feature of spacefor holding few items that are cupboards below sink. They are goodfor storage purpose as they have sufficient space for it but theystill look vague. There is uniqueness in modern bathroom vanitiesthough which have sleeker look with minimal appearance. It hashappened because of drastic transformation in the concept ofinterior designing.Though people preferred heavy and ornate furniture earlier andadmired them but now there is dramatic shift in test. Reason can bespace problem. One likes that though available space is small butfurniture sets adjusted must feel as if it's bigger space. Similarapproach is for bathroom furniture sets. Usually wood, glass,brass, stainless steel and stone are some items used to designbathroom vanities now. Interestingly glass vanities are preferableas modern and unique.Have idea about actual difference between modern and contemporaryvanities though such terms have same meaning. If bathroom vanitiesare taken into account preference remains contemporary instead ofmodern one. It is a fact that contemporary vanities are butcontinuation of modern. It is one reason that chunk of experts' mixboth contemporary and modern bathroom fitting in one go. In usualcases contemporary types have one or two open shelves meant to keeptowels and toiletries but other one comes with completely closedrawers or shelves. You may have such vanities if your decor hasminimal design. You get contrasting feeling when use them prudentlywith traditional bathroom sets.On the other side of the spectrum are the antique bathroomvanities. However, such antique vanities are not for everybathroom. It requires a distinct style of interior design to gowith and what is more, the bathroom needs to be of correct shapeand size to accommodate them. Remember no single piece of furniturecan be good or bad. It is the overall effect that counts. Thereforewhatever type of bathroom vanities you buy make sure it goes withthe whole setting and that includes apart from size, shape, generaldecor, the wall coloring and other fittings.Between the modern and the antique style of vanities lies thetransitional style. Transitional vanities are less ornate than theantique, but are not that simplistic as modern vanities. Of course,these statements and differentiations will not mean much to youunless you can see the difference with your own eyes. Therefore,surf the internet to have look at the different categories of thevanities with your own eyes.Best factor with modern bathroom vanities is that they areadjustable with all bathrooms no matter what may be theirdifferences. It is true that actual role of vanities is to ensurethey have drawers and closed shelves where toiletries are storedand also to hide the plumbing items from general eyes but now therehas occurred drastic change in their roles especially of modern andcontemporary vanities. Basically there are two categories of thesevanities though:• Single vanity, which can hold only one sink and so canaccommodate only one person at a time• Double vanity, which can hold two sinks so that you can have yourshave while your wife brushes her teethWhile the double vanity has its own advantage, a modern singlebathroom vanity is more a popular choice today because not manypeople can afford large enough space for required for it. Yourbathroom should look spacious and least congested. In fact, ajam-packed bathroom, which looks more like a storeroom with allkinds of furniture dumped in it, is most detrimental to yourhealth. You often feel so suffocating that you often do not spendas much time as you should to stay healthy in here.
Bathroom Wall Decorating Ideas 1.1
Stifling Dagger
Choosing decorations for your bathroom can bedifficult, especially if you do not know what you want to use forthe decorating process. Fortunately, there are ways to generateideas for bathroom wall decor, fixtures, vanities, and anythingelse you have in your bathroom. Three steps that will help you inthis process are getting ideas, selecting a theme, and finding thedecor.Get IdeasThere are thousands of ways to generate ideas for your bathroomdecor, but the best place to start getting those ideas is to dosome research online. The Internet contains an endless supply ofideas for anything, not just decorating a bathroom. If you searchon any major search engine you will not be disappointed at themultitude of ideas awaiting you. Look at pictures, and see if thatsame thing can be achieved in your bathroom. If not, move on to thenext one. If nothing is catching your eye online then visit some ofyour friends houses and ask them for ideas.Determine a ThemeOnce you have completed some online research or questioned somefriends, you will need to select a theme. Bathrooms tend to lookmore "put together" if there is a common theme that runs throughit. Some popular themes include country, fish, frogs, rustic,tropical, golf, tuscan, Disney, and anything underwater. Thinkabout it. If you are using a golf theme then you would want to havegolf clubs or a golf course design on your shower curtain. Then,you would want most of the bathroom colors to green with whiteaccents. Maybe you could find a way to make a hanging rod out of anold golf club shaft. That is a just a few ideas.Find the DecorYou have researched for ideas, determined a theme, and now it istime to find the accessories necessary to accomplish the task. Onceagain, the Internet is the best place to start. Many times you willbe able to find anything that you need and have it shipped to youfor a reasonable price. But, if you can't find what you are lookingfor then try your local home improvement stores, general stores,hardware stores or even grocery stores.The world will never recover from the positive impacts being madeby all manner of art works. Many houses, offices, theatres are nowwearing wonderful looks courtesy of various works of art used indecorating their walls. Wall decors are among the best of suchartworks that add lots of colors to your office or home walls. Atypical wall decor include the use of various artistic designs indecorating a wall. Lots of creativity and styles are usuallyinvolved in the production of all kinds of artworks that bless thewalls of various homes and offices. Wall decors in the recent timescome in various types and designs. Let's take a look at them.Home Wall DecorThis is a kind of artwork usually displayed on the walls of a home.This could be in the form of paintings on the wall, murals, wallsculpture art and so on. Such wonderful works of art usually addcolors to the walls of the bedroom, sitting room, the exteriorwalls and even the fences. They convey lots messages based on theimages or symbols they represent.Office Wall DecorThis is a unique work of art painted on the walls of an office. Itis mainly seen in companies, large and medium-sized organizationsincluding government offices. In most cases, the artworks on thewalls of these organizations are specially designed to communicatesome vital pieces of information to everyone that comesaround.Bathroom Wall DecorThe bathroom is a comfort room that must never be joked with.Having a well designed art work on the wall of your bathroom canmake bathing a glorious experience. There are wonderful walldecorations that can suit your bedroom. It's always better to pickthe ones that can communicate some soothing messages to everyonethat bathes in the comfort room.The Designing processesThere are various designing processes used in producing walldecors. Oil paintings is one of such wonderful processes in use bymost artists today.